Contents of the Manage Generic Billing Formats Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Generic Billing Formats screen.


Field Description
Billing Format Code

Enter an alphanumeric code for the billing format to be defined.


Enter a description for this billing format code.

Table Window

Field Description
Line Type

Enter, or click to select, a valid line type. Valid options are:

  • Hours: Use this line type for time and materials labor hour lines. This line type can cause many lines to be printed on the bill even though there is only one line on the billing format. Use the Hours tab to determine what prints on a line type of Hours.
  • Units: Use this line type for unit-based transaction lines. Units come from quantities posted in the Post Unit Usage screen. This line type can cause many lines to be printed on the bill even though there is only one line on the billing format. Use the Unit subtask to determine what prints on a line type of Units.
  • Cost: This is the most commonly used line type. Use this line type when billing costs incurred. Only one line prints on the billing for each cost line; therefore, this line type does not work the same way as an Hours or Units line type. You can include additional amounts such as burden and fee in this line type by using the Accounts subtask.
  • Travel: Use this line type when travel needs to be broken out separately on a supporting schedule. By selecting Travel when printing the supporting schedule, you can print out information such as trip start and end date, destination, and purpose. The Travel lines assume that you are billing costs incurred. There is a one-to-one relationship between the Travel lines and the number of lines printed on a billing.
Group Subtotal Heading

Enter a group heading that you want to print on the billing. All consecutive lines in this table that have the same group subtotal heading are subtotaled on the bill. For example, a group heading of "Direct Labor" can have lines under it for "Engineering Labor" and "Manufacturing Labor." Costpoint prints the detail for each line, and the group subtotal for the detail lines, on the bill.

Line Heading

Enter the line heading that you want to print out on the billings, such as Materials. Note that, for Hours and Units line types, the line heading does not apply; instead, the line heading comes from the description of the unit or the name of the labor category or employee. In the example in the documentation for the Group Subtotal Heading field, line headings would be Engineering Labor and Manufacturing Labor.

Supporting Schedule Req?

Select this check box to print a supporting schedule for this line. You can set up supporting schedule formats on the Manage Supporting Schedule Formats screen.

CPFF Example

Line Type Group Subtotal Heading Line Heading Supporting Schedule Req?
Cost Direct Labor Engineering Labor Cleared
Cost Direct Labor Manufacturing Labor Cleared
Travel Other Direct Costs Travel Selected
Cost Other Direct Costs Materials Cleared
Cost Other Direct Costs Equipment Rental Cleared
Cost Other Direct Costs Other Direct Costs Cleared
Cost Indirect Fringe Cleared
Cost Indirect Eng. Overhead NR
Cost Indirect Mf. Overhead Cleared
Cost Indirect Administrative Cleared
Cost FEE Fee Cleared

Time & Materials Example

Line Type Group Subtotal Heading Line Heading Supporting Schedule Req?
Hours Direct Labor N/A Cleared
Units Equipment Charges N/A Cleared
Travel Other Direct Costs Travel Selected
Cost Other Direct Costs Materials Cleared
Cost Other Direct Costs Equipment Rental Cleared
Cost Other Direct Costs Other Direct Costs Cleared
Cost Indirect Administrative Cleared


Subtask Description
Accounts Click this link to access the Accounts subtask, where you can link accounts to each line of the billing. In this subtask, you can determine which costs, hours, units, burden, cost of money, and fee items are included in each billing line. You must first highlight a line in the table window before you can use the Accounts link.