Contents of the Manage State Tax Information Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage State Tax Information screen.

Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.15 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. See the Manage Opt-In Features topic for more information.

Table Window

Use the following fields to set up state tax codes for a taxable entity.
Field Description
Taxable Entity

Enter, or click to select, a taxable entity ID to link to a state code.

The Lookup displays only taxable entities of the currently logged-in company.

Taxable Entity Name

This field displays the name of the taxable entity.

State Code

Enter, or click to select, the state where the taxable entity is required to file taxes.

The Lookup of this field displays only states that have been made available in Costpoint. If you enter a value that does not match an existing state code, an error displays.

State Description

This field displays the name of the state.

State Tax ID

Enter the company's state tax identification number. In most cases, the value must be the Federal Tax ID number assigned to your company by the IRS.