Contents of the Validate Pool Acct/Org Setups Screen

Use these fields and options to configure the Validate Pool Acct/Org Setups screen.

Selection Ranges

Fiscal Year

Use this group box to identify the fiscal year range to be checked.

Field Description

This field always displays Range.


Enter, or click to select, the starting fiscal year.


Enter, or click to select, the ending fiscal year.

Allocation Group Number

Field Description

This field always displays One.


Enter, or click to select, the allocation group number.

Table Window

If an improper setup issue is found, the following detail information on the pool in question is displayed: Fiscal Year, Pool No 1, Pool No 2, Allocation Group, Allocation Account, Allocation Organization, Cost Account, Cost Organization, Base Account, Base Organization, Seq No 1, Seq No 2, Error No, and Error Description.

Field Description

Click to run the toolkit.