Company/Batch Header Record Format

The Company/Batch Header Record identifies the originating company and briefly describes the prearranged credit; for example, REG SALARY indicates the reason for the transactions originated by your organization.

In addition, this record can indicate the intended effective date of all transactions within the batch.

The Company/Batch Header Record also contains the transit-routing number (that is, a nine-digit number, including check digit) that uniquely identifies each depository financial institution. The information contained in this record applies uniformly to all subsequent Entry Detail Records in the batch.

Field Position Size Contents Data Element Name
1 01 - 01 1 "5" Record Type Code
2 02 - 04 3 Numeric Service Class Code
3 05 - 20 16 Alphanumeric  Company Name
4 21 - 40 20 Alphanumeric  Company Discretionary Data (optional)
5 41 - 50 10 1NNNNNNNNN Company Identification
6 51 - 53 3 Alphanumeric  Standard Entry Class (PPD)
7 54 - 63 10 Alphanumeric  Company Entry Descriptive
8 64 - 69 6 Alphanumeric  Company Descriptive Date (031800 or Mar. 18)
9 70 - 75 6 YYYYMMDD Effective Entry Date (paydate in YYYYMMDD order)
10 76 - 78 3 Blank   Reserved
11 79 - 79 1 Alphanumeric  Originator Status Code
12 80 - 87 8 TTTTAAAA   Originating DFI Identification
13 88 - 94 7 Numeric Batch Number - sequential number beginning 0000001