Contents of the Change Period Report Parameters Screen

Use these fields and options to configure the Change Period Report Parameters screen.

Selection Ranges

Replacement Values for Range Options

Use these fields for those screens that use Range Options. Those report screens are Print Project Non-Labor Detail Report, Load Labor Rates, Compute Burden Costs, and Print Cost Pool Rates Report.

Field Description
Range Option

Use this drop-down list to select the range to include. Valid options are:

  • All
  • One
  • Range
  • From Beginning
  • To End
Start Fiscal Year

Enter, or click to select, the beginning fiscal year that replaces the current beginning fiscal year in all the parameters for the selected screens.

Start Period

Enter, or click to select, the beginning period that replaces the current beginning period in all the parameters for the selected screens.

Start Subperiod

Enter, or click to select, the beginning subperiod that replaces the current beginning subperiod in all the parameters for the selected screens.

End Fiscal Year

Enter, or click to select, the ending fiscal year that replaces the current ending fiscal year in all the parameters for the selected screens.

End Period

Enter, or click to select, the ending period that replaces the current ending period in all the parameters for the selected screens.

End Subperiod

Enter, or click to select, the ending subperiod that replaces the current ending subperiod in all the parameters for the selected screens.

Replacement Values

Use these fields for those screens that use only one subperiod. Those screens are Print Project Status Report, Print Revenue Summary Report, Print Project Labor Summary Report, Print T&M Analysis Report, Print Revenue Worksheet, Calculate Standard Bills, Compute/Print Pool Rates, Compute Billing Value of Cost Incurred, Compute Revenue, Create Project Report Tables, and Print Organization Cost Summary Report.

Field Description
Fiscal Year

Use this drop-down list to select the fiscal year that replaces the current fiscal year in all the parameters for the selected screens.


Use this drop-down list to select the fiscal period that replaces the current fiscal period in all the parameters for the selected screens.


Use this drop-down list to select the subperiod that replaces the current subperiod in all the parameters for the selected screens.


Select one or more report parameters to update with this toolkit. The toolkit updates all saved parameters for the selected screens with the new dates.

Field Description
Select All

Select this button to update all report parameters with the replacement values you enter on this toolkit.


Click this button to update the chosen report parameters with the new replacement values. The toolkit updates all parameters for each selected report.