Header Tab

Use this tab to determine what is printed in the heading of the bill.

Contract Value

In this group box, select which set of contract values, if any, you want to print on the billing header. You can elect to Show Contract Value, Show Funded Value, Show Both, or Show Neither. The following is an example of how values are presented if you click the Show Both option. These values appear on the right-hand side in the invoice header:

Contract Value Funded Value
Cost $3,240,740.74 $2,314,814.81
Fee $  259,259.26 $  185,185.19
Total $3,500,000.00 $2,500,000.00
Field Description
Show Contract Value

Select this option to print only the contract value information on the billing header.

Show Funded Value

Select this option to print only the funded value information on the billing header.

Show Both

Select this option to print both contract value and funded value information on the billing header.

Show Neither

Select this option if you do not want to print either the contract value or the funded value information on the billing header.


Field Description
Show Percent of Total Billed

Select this check box to show the percentage of the value billed to date. This percentage is calculated in accordance with your selection in the Contract Value group box. If you selected Show Contract Value, the percentage is based on the contract value. If you selected Show Funded Value, the percentage is based on the funded value. If you selected Show Both, two percentages are displayed, one based on contract value, the other based on funded value. If you selected Show Neither, no percentage is displayed.

Show Amount Billed To Date

Select this check box to display the total of amounts billed to date, including this billing. This check box controls both the printing of the Cumulative column on the bill and the Cumulative Billed to Date line in the header.

Show Name & Billing Address

Select this check box to print the customer's name and billing address on the heading of the bill.

Show Remit To Address

Select this check box to print the remittance address on the billing header.

Show Period Of Performance

Select this check box to print the latest period of performance from the Modifications table.

Show Project Number

Select this check box to print the project number and title on the heading of the bill.

Show Contract Number

Select this check box to print the Prime Contract No from the Manage Project User Flow on the heading of the bill.

Show Subcontractor Number

Select this check box to print the Subcontractor No from the Manage Project User Flow on the heading of the bill.

Show Customer PO Select this check box to print the customer purchase order (PO) number on the heading of the bill.
Show Task Order Number Select this check box to print the task order number on the heading of the bill.
Show Tax ID

Select this check box to print the tax ID on the billing header. If you select this check box and there is no tax ID associated with the billing customer, the tax ID associated with the company set on the Configure Company Information screen will be printed on the billing header. If the billing customer has a tax ID set on the Manage Customers screen, that tax ID will be printed on the billing header even if you do not select the Show Tax ID check box.

Show Individual Sales/VAT Tax Lines

Select this check box to print a tax line for each tax code used when the invoice was calculated. If you do not select this check box, all tax codes used in the calculation of the invoice are combined and printed on one line. You typically select this check box if your invoice contains sales or VAT tax from multiple taxing authorities.

Show Project Manager

Select this check box to print the project manager's name on the billing header.