Contents of the Manage Multiplier Overrides Screen

Use these fields and options to configure the Manage Multiplier Overrides screen.


Field Description

Enter, or click to select, a project to which you want to apply multiplier overrides.

Multiplier Override Details

Click to enter data into the multiplier table.

Field Description
Starting Account

Enter, or click to select, the first account in the range of accounts to use this multiplier. Account ranges cannot overlap and only one override percentage is allowed per account level. You can enter only project-required, detail accounts in this screen.

Ending Account

Enter, or click to select, the last account in the range of accounts to use this multiplier. Account ranges cannot overlap and only one override percentage is allowed per account level. You can enter only project-required, detail accounts in this screen.


Enter the percentage, either positive or negative, to be used as a multiplier for the selected accounts. The number 1.0 (no multiplier) is the default value.

Apply to R/B/G/A

Use the drop-down list to select the project calculation to receive the multiplier override. Valid options are:

  • Revenue
  • Billing
  • Goal
  • All