Display Options Tab

Use this tab to determine the column information you want to print on the unit billings.

Unit billings are billings that include units (of some item) billed at catalog or CLIN prices. These billings can be transaction-based or based on an automatic billing quantity established on the Manage CLIN Information screen. To take full advantage of the unit features, you must use the Costpoint Product Definition add-on module. Refer to special topic "Units" for more information.

If you are using unit billings, complete this tab when you set up your generic billing formats.


Field Description
Show Cumulative Units Billed

Select this check box to print the cumulative total of units billed.

Summarize by CLIN

Select this check box to print unit billing information summarized by CLIN. Note that, in Costpoint, the term "CLIN" is used in a generic sense to mean a pricing schema for a group of items to be used by and invoiced to a particular project.

Show Description

Each item has both a short and a long billing description. Select the appropriate option for the description that you want printed on your bills.

Incurred Rates/Fees

Field Description
Show Pool Burden Rates and Fee Percentages

Select this check box to print the burden rates and fee percentages.

Incurred Hours

If you want to print the billed hours at the bottom of the bill, choose the appropriate option. Selections are available for current hours, cumulative hours, both, or neither. The default selection is Show Current Hours.

Field Description
Include Hours from Non-Labor Accounts

Select this check box to include non-labor account hours in the hours total. This check box is selected by default.