Contents of the Manage Report Fonts Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Report Fonts screen.


Field Description
Font Name

Enter, or click to select, the name of the font you want to add to the report fonts list.

Note: You cannot edit or delete the pre-loaded system fonts.

This field displays either System Font if the Font Name is one of the pre-loaded system fonts or User Font if the Font Name is a user-added font.

Available at Runtime

Select this check box to make this font available for use at runtime.


Are any default fonts automatically available?

The following fonts are automatically provided when you install Costpoint and cannot be deleted.

Font Name Source Available at Runtime
Arial System Font Yes (Checked)
Arial Narrow System Font Yes (Checked)
Courier New System Font Yes (Checked)
Times New Roman System Font Yes (Checked)

Why do some reports ignore the font I have selected?

Some reports (for example, specifically designated government reports such as the DD250) are created by the system to always print using a pre-selected, hard-coded font. In these cases, the font selected on the Configure System Settings screen or specified as an override at report print/view time will be disregarded.