Contents of the Edit Unbilled Reason Codes Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Edit Unbilled Reason Codes screen.

Edit Unbilled Reason Codes

Field Description

This non-editable field displays the project ID. The project description displays in the field to the right.

Fiscal Year

This non-editable field displays the fiscal year of the project. This fiscal year was selected on the Create Unbilled Analysis Report Tables screen. Unbilled amounts are calculated up to and including the fiscal year, period, and subperiod combination in these fields.


This non-editable field displays the period of the project, which was selected on the Create Unbilled Analysis Report Tables screen. Unbilled amounts are calculated up to and including the fiscal year, period, subperiod combination in these fields.


This non-editable field displays the subperiod of the project. This subperiod was selected on the Create Unbilled Analysis Report Tables screen. Unbilled amounts are calculated up to and including the fiscal year, period, and subperiod combination in these fields.

Total, Actual and Target

These non-editable fields display the difference between total revenue and total billings from the Project and Billings tables. Costpoint calculates total revenue by adding the PSR_PY_SUM. TOT_REV_AMT, and PROJ_SUM.TOT_REV_ACT/TOT_AMT up to and including the fiscal year, period, and subperiod combination entered on the Create Unbilled Analysis Report Tables screen. The PROJ_BILL_HS.BILLED_AMT, up to and including the fiscal year, period, and subperiod entered on the Create Unbilled Analysis Report Tables screen, is subtracted from the total revenue calculated. This represents the true unbilled amount that is in Costpoint for a given project.

Running Total, Actual and Target

This field displays the total of all the rows in the child table window. As you modify amounts on the rows, the amount in this field is automatically updated. You cannot save the record unless the Total and the Running Total fields are the same.

Table Window

Use this table window to review the unbilled balance by project and unbilled reason code. You can reclassify the unbilled amount associated with the None reason code to more accurately describe the unbilled balance for reporting purposes. 

Field Description

This non-editable field displays all project numbers at and below the Project number in the header of the screen. The associated reason code data and amounts display in each row. This field does not display unless you click the Detail Levels button.

Reason Code

This non-editable field displays the Costpoint-defined unbilled reason codes. You cannot modify any of the Costpoint-calculated amounts or unbilled reason codes; however, you can add lines to further define the unbilled amounts. When you add lines and amounts to the table you must be sure to adjust the amount associated with the None reason code. The total amount in either the Actual Amount or Target Amount columns must be equal to the Total field at the bottom of the screen before the record can be saved. Use the Running Total field to evaluate the total in the table window for the Actual Amount or Target Amount column.

Reason Code Description

This non-editable field displays the unbilled reason code description that is established in the UNBILLED_RSN_CD table. You cannot modify this description in this screen, but you can modify it on the Manage Unbilled Reason Codes screen.

Actual Amount

The Actual Amount column contains amounts calculated using the actual burden columns in the Projects tables. You cannot modify the Costpoint-calculated amounts in this column. When you add a new line with a user-defined code, you can enter an amount in this column. When you do this, the Running Total changes. You must fully allocate the NONE or other project-specific reason code or modify the NONE amount so that the Running Total matches the Total. You cannot save the record until these two amounts are the same.

Target Amount

The Target Amount column displays amounts calculated using the target burden columns in the Projects tables. You cannot modify the Costpoint-calculated amounts in this column. When you add a new line with a user-defined code, you can enter an amount in this column. When you do this, the Running Total changes. You must fully allocate the NONE or other project-specific reason code or modify the NONE amount so that the Running Total matches the Total. You cannot save the record until these two amounts are the same.


Use this column to allow or disallow recalculation of user-defined unbilled reason codes.

System-defined reason codes are always recalculated. S displays in this column for Costpoint-calculated records. If S displays, the Recalculate column is non-editable.

The initial value for this column is Y. If the value is Y, Costpoint removes the user-defined rows in that table and include the values in the NONE amount when the Create Unbilled Analysis process is executed. Set this field to N to prevent this type of recalculation. For example, if you reassigned the NONE amount to a reason code of COMP for completed contract, you may want to modify this field to N so that you do not have to reassign the NONE amount to COMP each time you run the Create Unbilled Analysis Report Tables process. An unbilled amount for a completed contract may exist until a final audit is done. Use this flag to define an unbilled amount that is not recalculated until you reset the flag. After you set this field to N, the row is not recalculated until you change this field to Y.

Notes Enter notes to provide a more detailed explanation of why the unbilled item exists. You can include these notes on the report.