Contents of the Manage Overtime Premium Recast Charge Codes Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Overtime Premium Recast Charge Codes screen.


Field Description
Proj Acct Grp Range Option

From the drop-down list, specify whether the Recast Overtime Premium to Timesheet Lines screen selects timesheet lines that contain any of the project account groups, or selects only timesheet lines that contain a specific project account group. Valid options are:

  • All: Select this option to select timesheet lines from all project account groups.
  • One: Select this option to select timesheet lines from a specific project account group.

There must be one line in this table with an All in this field, so that all combinations are covered.

Proj Acct Grp

If the Proj Acct Grp Range Option is One, enter, or click to select, a valid project account group code. If the Proj Acct Grp Range Option is All, an "*" populates this field, indicating all project account groups.

Labor Group/Union Range Option

From the drop-down list, specify whether the Recast Overtime Premium to Timesheet Lines screen selects timesheet lines that contain any of the labor groups or unions, or selects only timesheet lines that contain a specific labor group or union. Valid options are:

  • All: Select this option to select timesheet lines for all labor groups or unions.
  • One: Select this option to select timesheet lines from a specific labor group or union.

There must be one line in this table with an All in this field, so that all combinations are covered.


This field is titled Union Range Option if you selected the Enable Union Functionality check box on the Configure Labor Settings screen. If you did not select the Enable Union Functionality check box on the Configure Labor Settings screen, this field is titled Labor Group Range Option.

Labor Group/Union

If the Labor Group/Union Range Option is One, enter, or click to select, a valid labor group or union. If the Labor Group/Union Range Option is All, an "*" is placed in the field, meaning all labor groups or unions.


This field is titled Union if the Enable Union Functionality check box on the Configure Labor Settings screen is selected. If the Enable Union Functionality check box on the Configure Labor Settings screen is not selected, this field is titled Labor Group.

Labor Group/Union Description

This field displays the labor group or union description.

This field is titled Union Description if the Enable Union Functionality check box on the Configure Labor Settings screen is selected. If the Enable Union Functionality check box on the Configure Labor Settings screen is not selected, this field is titled Labor Group Description.

Pay Type Range Option

From the drop-down list, specify whether the Recast Overtime Premium to Timesheet Lines screen selects timesheet lines that contain any of the eligible pay types (the Eligible check box on the Manage Pay Types screen is selected), or selects only timesheet lines that contain a specific eligible pay type. Valid options are:

  • All: Select this option to select timesheet lines with all eligible pay types.
  • One: Select this option to select timesheet lines with a specific eligible pay type.
Pay Type

If the Pay Type Range Option is One, enter, or click to select, a valid pay type. If the Pay Type Range Option is All, an "*" is placed in the field, meaning all eligible pay types.

The Pay Type entered in this table must be set up on the Manage Pay Types screen as OK for Non-Exempt Employees and OK for Salaried Employees, and must have a Factor greater than "1.0."

Recast Project Method

From the drop-down list, specify whether the Recast Overtime Premium to Timesheet Lines screen recasts the eligible timesheet lines to the original timesheet line's project, to a specific project, or to no project. Valid options are:

  • Timesheet Line Project: Select this option to recast timesheet lines to the original timesheet line's project.
  • Specific Project: Select this option to recast timesheet lines to a specific project
  • No Recast Project: Select this option to recast timesheet lines to no project
Recast Project

If the Recast Project Method field is Specific Project, enter, or click to select, a valid project.

If Recast Project Method is Timesheet Line Project, the timesheet line being recasted uses the project from the original timesheet line and you cannot enter a project in this field.

If Recast Project Method is No Recast Project, no project is used for the recasted timesheet line and you cannot enter a project in this field.

Recast Proj Desc

This field displays the recast project description, if there is one.

Recast Account Method

From the drop-down list, specify whether the Recast Overtime Premium to Timesheet Lines screen recasts the eligible timesheet lines to the original timesheet line's account or to a specific account. Valid options are:

  • Timesheet Line Account: Select this option to recast timesheet lines to the original timesheet line's account.
  • Specific Account: Select this option to recast timesheet lines to a specific account
Recast Account

If the Recast Account Method is Specific Account, enter, or click to select, a valid account.

If the Recast Account Method is Timesheet Line Account, the timesheet line being recasted uses the account from the original timesheet line and you cannot enter an account here.

Recast Account Description

This field displays the recast account description, if there is one.

Recast Pay Type

Use this field to designate the pay type to which the Recast Overtime Premium to Timesheet Lines utility recasts the eligible timesheet lines. Enter, or click to select, a valid pay type to have the timesheet line recasted to a specific pay type.

If you leave this field blank, the pay type designated in the Pay Type table for the original timesheet line's pay type (the Overtime Premium Recast Pay Type To Use designated in the original timesheet line's Pay Type record) has the next highest priority. If no recast pay type is designated in either of these two screens, the OT Premium Recast Default Pay Type on the Overtime Settings subtask of the Configure Labor Settings screen is used.

The Recast Pay Type entered in this table must be set up on the Manage Pay Types screen with the Cost Only check box selected and must have a Factor of "1.0."

Recast Organization Method

From the drop-down list, select the organization to which the Recast Overtime Premium to Timesheet Lines utility recasts the eligible timesheet lines.

  • Timesheet Line Organization: Select this option to recast timesheet lines to the original timesheet line's organization
  • Specific Organization: Select this option to recast timesheet lines to the organization specified in the Recast Org (To) column.
  • Project Owning Org: Select this option to recast timesheet lines to the timesheet line project's owning organization. To use this option, the Project Usage (To) value cannot be N (No Recast Project).
  • Employee Home Organization: Select this option to recast timesheet lines to the home organization assigned to the employee as of the timesheet date. 
Recast Organization

If the Recast Organization Method is Specific Organization, enter, or click to select, the organization to which timesheet lines is recast. 

If the Recast Organization Method is any value other than Specific Organization, leave this field blank.

Recast Organization Description

This field displays the recast organization description, if there is one.