Processing Instructions
Review this section for processing instructions when you use the Import Allocation Basis Journals screen.
The application populates the ALLOC_BASIS_PREP table per the following layout:
Column No | Column Name | Costpoint Field Name | Data Type | Data Length | "R" (Required) / "O" (Optional) / "D" (Derived) |
1 | ACCT_ID | Account ID | VARCHAR2 | 15 | R |
2 | ORG_ID | Organization | VARCHAR2 | 20 | R |
3 | POOL_NO | Pool | NUMBER | 10,0 | R |
4 | CUR_BASE_UNITS_QTY | Current Base Units Quantity | NUMBER | 16,4 | R |
5 | YTD_BASE_UNITS_QTY | Year-To-Date Basis Units Quantity | NUMBER | 16,4 | R |
6 | PROJ_ID | Project | VARCHAR2 | 30 | O |
7 | REF1_ID | Reference Number 1 | VARCHAR2 | 20 | O |
8 | REF2_ID | Reference Number 2 | VARCHAR2 | 20 | O |
Execute this toolkit. Review the errors, if any. After correcting the errors for records that you want to upload, you have two options. The first option is to post the Allocation Journal for the records that successfully uploaded. You can then attempt to re-upload the records that were unsuccessful. The second option is to not post the successful records. You would then have to re-populate ALLOC_BASIS_PREP with the entire original selection of records before re-executing the toolkit. Process partial records only if you are using a standard cost service center. If you are using a year-to-date or current period service center, you must process all records together.
This screen populates the Manage Allocation Journal screen only with the units that are charged to each project, account, and organization. To populate the Journal with the remaining columns such as Current Percentage, Current Allocation Amount, and Current Amount To Post, you must run the Compute/Print Pool Rates screen for the pools that have been uploaded. This can be completed separately or with your other pools during the normal cost and revenue process.
You can post the uploaded pools separately or in the normal process.