Add Step Subtask

Use this subtask to add a step to the Start or individual approval steps.

Before adding a new step, make sure to save all changes to the workflow. After you add a step, you can use the Edit Node or Edit Activity subtask to modify the node/activity or add conditions to the node/activity.


Field Description
Parent This field displays the parent step to which you are adding a step or activity.
Name Enter the step name. You can edit this name on the Edit Node or Edit Activity subtask.
Level Select the level of this step. Levels define the sequence in relation to the parent item. Valid options are:
  • Next: Select this option to add a new item as next in a sequence after the currently selected step in the Approval Steps table window. This is the default level.
  • Option: Select this to classify this item as an option. This can be only applied to the Activity node inside a Group node. It indicates that the activity with an option level will be executed in parallel, together with other activities inside a group.
  • Then: Select this option to classify this item as a Then option. This can be applied to Activity, If, Group, and Finish nodes. The Then level defines a flow branch that will be routed if the parent If node condition evaluates to True.
  • Else: Select this option to classify this item as an Else option. This level defines a flow branch that will be routed if the parent If node condition evaluates to False.
Type Select the type/node of this step. Valid options are:
  • Activity: Select this option to classify this item as an activity. Activities define individual steps in the approval process. Nodes (If, Group, and Finish), on the other hand, define the flow or the routing sequence of the workflow.

  • If: Select this option to classify this item as an If node, which is a branching node that uses a condition and contains Then and Else activities. This is the only way to branch a workflow, where at least a Then statement must be present. You can set conditions for the If node on the Conditions subtask of the Edit Node subtask. The If node represents the flow branching, and the Then level (which always goes under the If parent node) defines the beginning of the flow if the conditions evaluate to True. The Else line defines the part of the flow if the conditions evaluate to False.

  • Group: Select this option to classify this item as an activity group, which contains parallel activities or options. When the Group node is reached in the workflow execution, all activities defined as options under this node are executed immediately (in parallel). If all options under the Group node are required, then the steps after the Group node will not proceed until all activities have been approved. If none of the options are required, the Group step/node is considered complete even if only one of them has been approved. Under the Group node, only steps with Type = Activity and Level = Option is permitted. An activity that is defined as Option has a Required parameter on the Edit Activity subtask.

  • Notify: Select this option to send a notification message to the approval role when the Notify node is reached. Define specific message text and the recipient role in the Edit Node subtask for the Notify node.
  • Finish: Select this option to mark this item as the end of the workflow. This node is not required. If the workflow reaches the end, finish is assumed. It is, however, helpful to add a Finish node especially when it contains updates pertaining to the completion of the workflow or to just visually mark the end of the workflow.

Add Click this button to add this activity to the Approval Steps table window.