Link Plaid Bank Accounts to Costpoint Bank Accounts

After you add Plaid-supported banks on Manage Plaid Bank Accounts screen, use the Manage Company Bank Accounts (US Banks) or Manage Company Bank Accounts (Non-US Banks) screen to link Plaid bank accounts to Costpoint company bank accounts.

To link accounts:

  1. Open the Manage Company Bank Accounts (US Banks) or Manage Company Bank Accounts (Non-US Banks) screen.
  2. Enter or select the Bank Abbrev of the Costpoint company bank account you want to link to a Plaid bank account.
  3. Open the Plaid Integration subtask.
  4. Enter or select a Plaid Bank.
  5. Enter or select the Plaid Account you want to link to your Costpoint company bank account.
  6. Click Save.
    The Bank Abbrev of the Costpoint account you linked to a Plaid bank account displays in the Linked CP Bank Abbr field of the Accounts subtask in Manage Plaid Bank Accounts.