Corporate Labor Settings Subtask

Use the Corporate Labor Settings subtask to establish or modify settings related to timesheet processing and labor functions.

You can change the settings in this subtask if your user ID is assigned access rights. Otherwise, this subtask is non-editable.

Deltek Time & Expense

If you are licensed to use Deltek Time & Expense, use this group box to select the software version that you are using.

Field Description
Separate System for Employees and Subcontractors

If you use Time & Expense version 10.x or above, you could export master and resource data for subcontract resources. These subcontract resources may be handled through a separate Time & Expense systems or through the same Time & Expense system used by employees. 

Select this check box if you want subcontract resources to be handled through a separate system. The Subcontractor File Location field on the Export Data to Deltek Time and Expense screen becomes enabled when you select this check box. This check box also enables the Subcontractor Version drop-down list on the screen.

If you are handling employees and subcontractors in the same Deltek Time & Expense system, clear this check box.

This check box is only available when the you are licensed for Subcontractor Management.

Use File Layout with a three-digit MO Operation Step Number

With this check box selected, Costpoint’s Import Timesheets from Deltek Time and Expense screen will accept an MO Operation Step Number of up to three digits. If not, then the Import Timesheets from Deltek Time & Expense application will only accept an MO Operation Step Number of up to 2 digits.

If you are using Time & Expense version 9.x, you can specify whether you are using a two-digit or a three-digit MO Operation Step Number field. If you have any three-digit MO operation step numbers, you must select this check box. If you select this check box, you must also set up Deltek Time & Expense 9.0.1 to export an MO operation step number of up to three digits. If you do not select this check box, you must also set up Deltek Time & Expense 9.0.1 to export an MO operation step number of up to two digits.


In order to use a three-digit MO Operation Step number in Deltek Time and Expense 9.x, you must go in Deltek Time and Expense and select the 3 Position Operation Step Number check box on the Export Options tab of the Time Configuration screen. If you are using Time and Expense 9.x and the 3 Position Operation Step Number check box is not selected, you will only be able to import an MO Operation Step Number of up to two-digits in Costpoint.

This check box will only be enabled if the Deltek Time & Expense version selected is Time & Expense 9.x and you are licensed for Costpoint Materials and Deltek Time.

Time and Expense 10.x has been updated to allow for an MO Operation Step Number of up to three digits, therefore this check box will be disabled if the Deltek Time & Expense option is set to Time & Expense 10.x+. The Import Timesheets from Deltek Time and Expense screen will allow for import of an MO Operation Step Number of up to three digits if you are using Time and Expense 10.x.


From the drop-down list, select which version of Time & Expense (formerly Electronic Timesheet (ET) or Time Collection) your company is using. Depending on your Costpoint and Time & Expense settings, Costpoint uses this value to determine which applications in the Time Collection (ET) Interface menu you can access. Valid options are:

  • None
  • Time & Expense 9.x
  • Time & Expense 10.x+

Select None to disable access to all applications in the Time and Expense menu.

Subcontractor Version

From the drop-down list, select which version of Time & Expense your company is using. Depending on your Costpoint and Time & Expense settings, Costpoint uses this value to determine which applications in the Time Collection (ET) Interface menu you can access. Valid options are:

  • None
  • Time & Expense 10.x+

Employee ID

Field Description
Employee ID Length

Use this field to determine the number of allowable characters, between 1 and 12, for the employee ID. If you selected the Use Social Security Number for Employee ID check box, this field can be only 11 characters long. This is a required field.


If you make a change to the Employee ID Length or to the Use Social Security Number for Employee ID check box, you must exit and reenter Costpoint to make either change effective.

Use Social Security Number for Employee ID

Select this check box to require that the Employee ID field contain the social security number of an employee. It automatically enables the Employee ID field with a mask in the form of "___-__-____," and it automatically fills in the Social Security No field from the Employee ID field in the Basic Employee Info table in Costpoint Employee. Select this check box to have Costpoint perform a numeric-only edit on the first 11 characters (counting the dashes) of the employee ID when you add employees. In this table, the Employee ID field length is set to a minimum of 11 characters.


If you make a change to this check box or the Employee ID Length setting, you must exit and reenter Costpoint to make either change effective.


You must decide soon after installation how to set this check box. Changing the status of this check box after initializing Costpoint may compromise data integrity. If you enter employees with this check box not selected, the employee IDs are stored without the dashes. If you need to access these previously entered employees, you must delete them under the old setting and reenter them under the new setting. If you have a large number of employees, you may need to run a conversion program instead (call Costpoint Technical Support before attempting this).

Auto-Generate Employee IDs for All Companies

Select this check box if you want new employee IDs for all companies within your corporation to be auto-generated in Costpoint. This functionality is currently enabled for Deltek Talent Management users only.

Warning: If you choose to auto-generate employee IDs, you will not be able to use the Import Employee Data application to import employees using a data file.

If you select this check box, you will have access to the following screens:

  • Manage Employee ID Formats: You must use this screen to set up the rules for auto-generating employee IDs.
  • Manage Employee ID Defaulting Rules: You must use this screen to set up the rules for implementing the employee ID formats. Use this screen after establishing the formatting of employee IDs on the Manage Employee ID Formats screen.

FLSA Settings

Use this group box to specify FLSA rates that are used as a basis for validating whether an employee’s salary level is eligible for FLSA exemption. Set up this table if you want Costpoint to use salary to validate an employee’s FLSA exemption status.

Field Description
Effective Date

Enter the effective date of the FLSA annual exemption basis. 

Annual Exemption Basis

Enter the FLSA annual exemption basis. This value is specified by the U.S. Department of Labor. The application uses this value to determine whether an employee's salary makes him eligible for FLSA exemption. If an employee's salary is greater than or equal to the amount you enter here, the employee is regarded as eligible for FLSA exemption.