General Tab

Use the fields on this tab to specify general information about a regular or prospective vendor.


Use this group box to enter the prospective vendor's long name, specialty, and other general information.

Field Description
Long Name

Enter the vendor's long name. The name you enter can be used to provide more details about the identity of the vendor. This name prints on checks, purchase orders, requisitions, customer statements, and all bills and invoices.

If you tab out of this field without entering a long name, or try to save when this field is blank, Costpoint populates it with the vendor name.

Specialty Enter areas of specialty for the vendor or prospective vendor.
Vendor Web Site Enter a link to the vendor or prospective vendor web site.
Terms Enter, or click to select, the payment terms to be used as the default when entering vouchers for the prospective vendor.
Enable Digital Signature Select this checkbox to indicate if, once approved, the vendor can use a digital signature to approve invoices associated with it. This checkbox displays on this screen only if you are licensed for Supplier Portal.
Supplier Portal Enabled Select this checkbox to indicate if, once approved, the vendor is a Supplier Portal vendor. When this checkbox is selected for the vendor, the vendor's information displays on the dashboard when you access Supplier Portal. This checkbox displays on this screen only if you are licensed for Supplier Portal.

If you have Enable Digital Signature and Supplier Portal Enabled both selected and you save the record, Supplier Portal Enabled will be disabled but will remain selected. If you clear Enable Digital Signature, Supplier Portal Enabled will become enabled and editable.

Vendor Approval Status This field displays the approval status of the prospective vendor. Valid values are Pending and Approved.
DUNS Number
Enter the Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number of the prospective vendor.
Note: The UEI is the official identifier used by vendors transacting with the government. DUNS is retained for historical purposes and commercial needs only.
UEI Number Enter the Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number of the prospective vendor that is generated in the System for Award Management (
Note: Entering uppercase 'O' or 'I', and entering zero (0) as the first character are not allowed.

The value in this field defaults in the UEI Number field on the Address/Contact Info subtask. After you have saved the record on the subtask, you can still change the value on this tab and the UEI Number on the subtask will not be affected. Similarly, when you change UEI Number on the subtask, the field value on this tab will not be affected.

CAGE Code Enter the Contractor and Government Entity (CAGE) code for the prospective vendor.

GovWin IQ Company Information

This group box is visible only if you are configured for GovWin IQ to Costpoint Vendor integration.

For regular vendors, all fields are disabled and read-only.

For prospective vendors, use this group box to view information imported from GovWin IQ through the Import GovWin IQ Vendor Data screen, or run the integration routine to GovWin IQ for a specific record.

Data in this group box is updated for a prospective vendor every time you run the Import GovWin IQ Vendor Data application for a range of records that includes that prospective vendor (provided that the Do Not Refresh checkbox is not selected for that prospective vendor), or when you click the Refresh from IQ button in this group box.

Attention: For details on the source data and vendor fields updated by the GovWin IQ integration, see the field mapping information here:

GovWin IQ Integration Setup Guide.

Field Description
GovWin IQ Company ID

This field displays the vendor's company ID in GovWin IQ. You can modify this field for the prospective vendor, but the ID must be a unique value within Costpoint.

Note, however, that if this vendor record has been refreshed or updated from GovWin IQ, changing or deleting the value in this field will prevent any future refresh from GovWin IQ to this prospective vendor record. Any exclusion information related to this prospective vendor will also be deleted.

If you already deleted the GovWin IQ company ID for this record but the company profile in GovWin IQ is still marked for import into Costpoint, the GovWin IQ company will be added as a new prospective vendor the next time you run the integration process. You must unmark the company in GovWin IQ if it no longer needs to be interfaced with Costpoint.

Last GovWin IQ Synch This field displays the date that this record was last updated by the GovWin IQ to Costpoint Vendor integration process.
Last GovWin IQ Analyst Update This field displays the date that an update was made to the company profile in GovWin IQ.
Do Not Refresh

This checkbox is enabled only if a value exists in GovWin IQ Company ID.

Select this checkbox to exclude this prospective vendor record from being updated from the GovWin IQ company profile when the GovWin IQ to Costpoint Vendor integration process is run. Selecting this checkbox also disables the Refresh from IQ button. You can select or clear this checkbox at any time.

Refresh from IQ Click this button to update the prospective vendor data from the GovWin IQ company profile. This button is enabled only when the Do Not Refresh checkbox is not selected.

Business Classification

Use this group box to enter information about the legal classifications of the prospective vendor.

For prospective vendors imported from GovWin IQ, the mapping done on the Manage Socio-Economic Status screen determines which checkboxes are selected for the prospective vendor in this group box.

Field Description

Select one of the following options to classify the prospective vendor for subcontract reporting:

  • Large: Large vendors are included in subcontract reporting. This is the default selection.

  • Small: Small vendors are included in subcontract reporting.

  • Non-Profit: Non-profit vendors are excluded from subcontract reporting.

  • Foreign/Other: Foreign/other vendors are excluded from subcontract reporting.

Certification Date Enter, or click to select, the date on which the prospective vendor received the classification certification.
Certification Number Enter the prospective vendor's certification number.
Woman-Owned Select this checkbox if the prospective vendor is classified as woman-owned.
Veteran Owned Select this checkbox if the prospective vendor is classified as veteran-owned.
Alaskan Native Corporations (ANC) and Indian Tribes Select this checkbox if the prospective vendor is classified as an Alaskan Native Corporation or an Indian Tribe vendor.
Disadvantaged (Include Minority-Owned) Select this checkbox if the prospective vendor is classified as disadvantaged.
Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Select this checkbox if the prospective vendor is classified as service-disabled veteran-owned.
HUBZone Select this checkbox if the prospective vendor is classified as a historically underutilized business zone company.
8(a) Certified Select this checkbox if the prospective vendor is classified as an 8(a) certified vendor. An 8(a) company is a business that is owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals (usually at least 51% ownership).
AbilityOne Non-Profit Agency Select this checkbox if the prospective vendor is classified as an AbilityOne nonprofit agency. An AbilityOne nonprofit agency has at least 75% of its total direct labor hours performed by persons who are blind or have significant disabilities.
Historical Black Colleges And Universities/Minority Institutions Select this checkbox if the prospective vendor is classified as a historically black college/university or minority institution.
LGBTQ+ Owned Select this checkbox if the prospective vendor is classified as LGBTQ+ owned.
CMMC Level

Select the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) level associated with the prospective vendor. Valid values are:

  • None
  • 1: Performed processes, basic cyber hygiene practices
  • 2: Documented processes, intermediate cyber hygiene practices
  • 3: Managed processes, good cyber hygiene practices
  • 4: Reviewed processes, proactive cyber hygiene practices
  • 5: Optimizing processes, advanced/progressive cyber hygiene practices

If the prospective vendor comes from GovWin IQ, this field displays the CMMC level from GovWin IQ but can be modified.

Attention: For more information on CMMC, visit
Active Exclusion This checkbox displays only in Table view. If displayed as selected, it indicates that the GovWin IQ prospective vendor is on the exclusion list in You can import/update GovWin IQ prospective vendor data using the Import GovWin IQ Vendor Data screen, or by clicking the Refresh from IQ button on the Header tab of Manage Contract Management Vendor Info.
Exclusion Banner

If the Active Exclusion checkbox is displayed as selected, this field displays information about the exclusion for the prospective vendor, including the exclusion type and active and termination dates.

In Form view, the information is displayed in a read-only banner on the screen when the prospective vendor is on the exclusion list. The message also includes the type of the exclusion as well as the active and termination dates of the exclusion.

The exclusion data that displays comes from GovWin IQ and is updated every time the GovWin IQ to Costpoint Vendor integration is run. Note, however, that the exclusion data displayed on this screen may not be a complete representation of exclusions.