Direct Subtask

Use this subtask to enter direct amounts for the project's budget.

Direct budgeting amounts can be maintained for subcontractors. You can choose any account for the subtask, but to obtain correct budgeting amounts, select a non-labor, non-materials, or non-revenue account. Use this subtask for direct charges only.

Table Window

You can enter only one row with the same Line Type, Organization, and Account in this table. You cannot delete saved rows in this table unless the Total Budget Amt for the selected row is equal to zero. To enter a new row, click .

Field Description
Line Type

Select the line type from the drop-down list. The options are:

  • D: Direct
  • S: Subcontractor

This field is required. When you enter an approved change order with a line type of D or S, the row is entered in this subtask.


Enter, or click to select, the organization for this row. This field is required.

Organization Name

This non-editable column displays the name of the organization entered in the Organization column.


Enter, or click to select, the account for this row. This field is required.

Account Name

This non-editable column displays the name of the account entered in the Account column.

Reference No
Note: This column does not display unless you select the Budget Using Ref Number and Ref Name check box on the Configure Project Budget Settings screen.

Enter, or click to select, the reference number for this row. This column is optional. If you use the reference feature, the actual cost data for this project must also being tracked with reference numbers. This ensures correct variance reporting for actual versus budgeted.


Enter, or click to select, the vendor for this row.

Vendor Name

This non-editable column displays the name of the vendor entered in the Vendor column.

Subcontract No

Enter an alphanumeric value to identify this unit data. This column is optional and can be a contract number or the name of a subcontractor.

Fiscal Year

Enter, or click to select, the fiscal year for this row. All fiscal years are available for .

Note: This column does not display unless you selected the Budget by Period check box on the Info tab.
Period No

Enter, or click to select, the period for this row. Only periods existing in the selected fiscal year are available for .

Note: This column does not display unless you selected the Budget by Period check box on the Info tab.
Composite Rate

After you select a burden template on the Info tab, this editable column populates with the composite rate from the cost-based pools. The default value for this column is based on the Account/Organization for this row, the burden template selected, and the rates entered in the burden template.

Costpoint multiplies the cost budget amount by the Composite Rate to obtain a loaded direct cost or a burdened amount.

Composite Hourly Rate

This column displays the composite hourly rate for this Account/Organization if hours-based cost pools exist in the selected burden template. Costpoint multiplies this rate by the Budget Hours and adds the result to the computed cost burden amount to obtain the Hourly Burden Amount.

Change Composite Rates

If you select this check box, use the composite rate or use the burden template to insert a default composite rate. If you select this check box, any time the burden template is updated with new accounts, or with a new rate, or the template is modified, the new composite rate displays in the Composite Rate field.

If you do not select this check box, modifications to the composite rate for the burden template selected on the Info tab do not affect this row.


This field displays the Target Multiplier from the Info tab (it is also displayed in the Target Multiplier field in the header). You can modify the Multiplier on any row. Costpoint uses the Multiplier to multiply the Budget Amount, Burdened Budget Amt, or Revised Budget Amount to determine the profit amount for this row.

Budget Amount

Enter the budget amount for this row.

Budget Hours

Enter the budgeted hours for this Account/Organization.

Hourly Burden Amount

This column displays the hourly burdened amount. Costpoint calculates this value by multiplying the Composite Hourly Rate by the Budget Hours.

Total Burden Amount

This editable column displays the product of the Cost Budget Amount and the Composite Rate columns plus the Hourly Burden Amount. If you modify the Total Burden Amount, the Composite Rate column amount automatically recalculates.

Burdened Budget Amount

This column displays the sum of Budget Amount and Total Burden Amount and can be modified. If there is no Burden Amount, the Budget Amount is the same as the Burdened Budget Amount.

Approved CO Amount

This non-editable column displays the approved Change Order (CO) amount for this row. This figure is the total monetary labor equivalent of the approved CO hours for this organization and account or organization and reference. Enter change orders on the Manage Change Orders screen, in which you can enter the direct or subcontract approved change order amount.

Revised Amount

This non-editable column displays the revised budget amount. This number is the sum of either the Burdened Budget Amount or the Approved CO Amount. The Budget Amount is used in this calculation only if both the Composite Rate and Total Burden Amount columns are zero.

Profit Amount

This column displays the profit amount for this row and can be modified. This column is calculated by several different formulas, depending on the selection made in the Subtask Multiplier Info group box on the Info tab. If you modify this column, the Multiplier recalculates.

  • If you selected Use Multiplier on Budget Amt as the Multiplier Method on the Info tab, the program multiplies this row's Multiplier by the Budget Amount column, and then subtracts the Budget Amount. The result displays in this column ((Multiplier for this row * Budget Amount) – Budget Amount). If the Budget Amount is 100,000 and the Multiplier is 1.2, the resulting profit amount is 20,000.
  • If you selected Use Multiplier on Burdened Bud. Amt as the Multiplier Method on the Info tab, the program multiplies this row's Multiplier by Burdened Budget Amt column, and then subtracts the Burdened Budget Amt. The result displays in this column ((Multiplier for this row * Burdened Budget Amt) – Burdened Budget Amt). If the Budget Amount is 100,000 and the Multiplier is 2, the resulting profit amount is 100,000.
  • If you selected Use Multiplier on Rvsd Budget Amt as the Multiplier Method on the Info tab, the program multiplies this row's multiplier by the Revised Amt column, and then subtracts the Revised Amt. The result displays in this column. Use this method only if the Multiplier should be applied to the Approved CO Amt ((Multiplier for this row * Revised Amt) – Revised Amt). If the Budget Amount is 100,000 and the Multiplier is 2.5, the resulting profit amount is 150,000.
  • If this row has both an Approved CO Amt and a Multiplier, the program multiplies this row's Multiplier by the Revised Amt, up to the CO amount only, and then subtracts the Revised Amt. The result appears in this column ((Multiplier for this row * Revised Amt) – Revised Amt).
  • If this row has no Multiplier, no profit amount is calculated for this row.
Approved CO Profit Amount

This non-editable column displays the profit portion for the approved change orders of this row. Only those change orders entered with cost and profit amounts separately display an amount in this column.

Total Budget Amount

This non-editable column displays the sum of the Revised Amount, Profit Amount, and Approved CO Profit Amount columns.

Unallocated Amt

This column does not display unless you selected the Budget by Period check box on the Info tab.

Note: This non-editable column totals all amounts unallocated to a fiscal period. The amount in this column is the total budget amount for this row, less the amounts allocated over periods, usually done with the Spread function. To make this column available, select the Budget by Period check box on the Info tab.