Timesheet Header Tab

Use the Timesheet Header tab to manage and view header record of the timesheet that you open or create on the Manage Timesheets screen.

Hours & Accounting Period

Regular and other hours are entered to give Costpoint a way to edit the total hours related to the detail account lines in the lower part of the screen and reduce the chance of data entry error on those lines. Before a timesheet history record can be added, you must add the hours associated with the pay types that are not designated as overtime pay types to the hours entered in the Regular field. Also, hours associated with pay types that are designated as overtime pay types must be added to the hours entered in the Other field. Select the Overtime check box on the Manage Pay Types screen to designate a pay type as being an overtime or a premium pay type.

This group box also displays the General Ledger posting data that was assigned to this timesheet. The fiscal year, period, and subperiod settings are displayed.

Field Description
Regular Hours

This field displays the total number of regular or non-overtime hours, a maximum of two places to the right of the decimal, for this timesheet.

Other Hours

This field displays the total number of overtime hours, a maximum of two places to the right of the decimal, for this timesheet.

Total Hours

This field displays the sum of the Reg and Other hours entered. This is a non-editable field; however, batch totals may have been set up for this field.

Fiscal Year

This non-editable field displays the fiscal year, within the accounting period, to which this timesheet was assigned.


This non-editable field displays the period, within the accounting period, to which this timesheet was assigned.


This non-editable field displays the subperiod, within the accounting period, to which this timesheet was assigned.

Employee Information

Field Description
Overtime State

This field displays the overtime state entered for this timesheet. This is not the withholding state, which is used for state income tax purposes. This field comes from the Manage Employee Salary Information screen, represents the state where the work is being performed, and may have been used as the basis for the auto overtime calculation. Use the Manage Overtime Rules by State screen to define the method for calculating overtime hours related to this state. If the state's overtime rules specify that overtime hours are based upon the number of hours worked in a day, you must enter daily timesheets for the auto overtime calculations to be accurate.

The Manage Overtime Rules by Location screen supersedes the Manage Overtime Rules by State screen if the locations charged on the timesheet lines are found in the Manage Overtime Rules by Location table.

Trans Currency

This field displays the transaction currency used for the timesheet. The transaction currency will initially default from the employee’s Manage Employee Salary Information. However, you can use the Exchange Rates subtask can be used to change the timesheet currency. You can only view this field if you enable Costpoint's Multicurrency (MU) functionality.

Timesheet Adjustments

Field Description
Reference Date

This non-editable field displays the reference date.

Reference Sequence

This non-editable field displays the reference sequence number.

Auto Adjust %

This field displays the auto-adjustment percentage of pay period value.

Timesheet Status

Field Description
Reversing Timesheet

This check box, if selected, indicates that the timesheet was created using the Create Reversing Timesheets program.

Prorated Timesheet

This check box, if selected, indicates that the timesheet is prorated.

Labor Posted

This check box signifies that the timesheet has been posted to the General Ledger for Labor Distribution purposes.

Leave Posted

This check box signifies that the timesheet has been posted to the Leave tables for leave accruals (hours worked).

Posting Information

Field Description
Posting Sequence

This non-editable field displays the sequence number in which the timesheet was posted.

Date Posted

This non-editable field displays the date the timesheet was posted.

Time Posted

This non-editable field displays the time of day that the timesheet was posted.