Contents of the View Timesheet History Inquiry Screen

View the fields and options on the Timesheet History Inquiry screen.

Selection Criteria


Field Description

This field displays the date entered, in the MM/DD/YYYY format, for each timesheet. This can be the ending date for the period of time, such as a day or a week, that was entered.


This field displays the employee ID that uniquely identifies the employee. The length of the ID is limited to the length specified in the Employee ID Length field on the Corporate Labor Settings subtask of the Configure Labor Settings screen. If the Use Social Security No for Employee ID check box has been selected on the Corporate Labor Settings subtask, the Employee ID field has the mask display of "___-__-____". The dashes are stored as part of the employee ID. In addition, the length of the field is limited to either 11 characters, if you are using the social security number, or 12 characters.

If you are not using the Social Security Number (SSN) as the employee ID, you can enter any combination of letters and numbers up to the field size limit. If you are using the SSN as the employee ID, you can enter only numbers for the first 11 characters.


This field displays the type of timesheet that was assigned in the Type field on the Manage Timesheets screen. There are four types of timesheets supported: R (Regular), L (Labor Only), C (Correcting), or B (Bonus). The default is R.

If this field displays C (Correcting), a correction timesheet was entered for the original timesheet (that is, the Date field in the Identification group box), and a reference date may appear in the Reference Date field in the Miscellaneous group box. You can enter a maximum of nine timesheets for the same combination of employee ID, date, and type. The sequence number provides the unique identification.

  • Regular: Use this type to enter the employee's regular or original timesheet each timesheet period. Regular timesheets are normally entered first (before any related corrections). This type is the one entered most often.
  • Correcting: Use this type whenever a timesheet error is discovered (after the timesheet has been posted to the G/L or posted to the Leave files) and when the original timesheet being corrected was purged from the Labor Distribution file.

This field displays a unique identification number for the combination of employee ID, timesheet date, and timesheet type in the Labor Distribution table. You can have a maximum of nine separate sequence numbers for any combination of the employee ID, timesheet date, and timesheet type.


Subtask Description
Inquiry Details Click this link to view timesheet line details.
Exchange Rates Click this link to view exchange rate information.
Note: You can view this subtask only if the Enable multicurrency functionality checkbox is selected on the Configure Labor Settings screen.