Contents of the View Timesheet History Inquiry Screen

View the fields and options on the Timesheet History Inquiry screen.

Selection Criteria


Field Description

This field displays the date entered, in the MM/DD/YYYY format, for each timesheet. This can be the ending date for the period of time, such as a day or a week, that was entered.


This field displays the employee ID that uniquely identifies the employee. The length of the ID is limited to the length specified in the Employee ID Length field on the Corporate Labor Settings subtask of the Configure Labor Settings screen. If the Use Social Security No for Employee ID check box has been selected on the Corporate Labor Settings subtask, the Employee ID field has the mask display of "___-__-____". The dashes are stored as part of the employee ID. In addition, the length of the field is limited to either 11 characters, if you are using the social security number, or 12 characters.

If you are not using the Social Security Number (SSN) as the employee ID, you can enter any combination of letters and numbers up to the field size limit. If you are using the SSN as the employee ID, you can enter only numbers for the first 11 characters.


This field displays the type of timesheet that was assigned in the Type field on the Manage Timesheets screen. There are four types of timesheets supported: R (Regular), L (Labor Only), C (Correcting), or B (Bonus). The default is R.

If this field displays C (Correcting), a correction timesheet was entered for the original timesheet (that is, the Date field in the Identification group box), and a reference date may appear in the Reference Date field in the Miscellaneous group box. You can enter a maximum of nine timesheets for the same combination of employee ID, date, and type. The sequence number provides the unique identification.

  • Regular— Use this type to enter the employee's regular or original timesheet each timesheet period. Regular timesheets are normally entered first (before any related corrections). This type is the one entered most often.
  • Correcting— Use this type whenever a timesheet error is discovered (after the timesheet is been posted to the G/L or posted to the Leave files) and when the original timesheet being corrected was purged from the Labor Distribution file.

This field displays a unique identification number for the combination of employee ID, timesheet date, and timesheet type in the Labor Distribution table. You can have a maximum of nine separate sequence numbers for any combination of the employee ID, timesheet date, and timesheet type.

Inquiry Details

You can enter up to 999 timesheet lines on any one timesheet. If more were required, additional sequence numbers may have been used for the same employee ID, timesheet, and type. Each field on the Default tab of the Manage Employee Information screen for the timesheet line was provided as the default field value for the first line (if you are adding a new Timesheet History record). Thereafter, the value on the previous line is the default.

Field Description
Line Number

This non-editable field displays the sequential number of each timesheet line. The screen displays the first five timesheet detail lines. If employees have more charges on their timesheets, you can scroll down (or up) using the arrow keys on the right side of the screen. Timesheet lines remain in the order in which they are entered, and lines with the same account number are not combined.

Line Type

Two types of timesheet lines may have been entered. The default is the A (Account/Org) type and allows entry of all the fields discussed above on the Manage Timesheets screen. The other type is M (Leave Memo) and pertains to making entries that have no labor cost associated, but that have data related to track leave hours used. This is used to track Family Leave Act leave usage. This timesheet line type is processed to the Leave files, but is not processed by the Labor Distribution posting.

Timesheet Line Date

This field displays the work date for the entered hours.


Whether a project number is required is determined by the Project Required check box on the Manage Accounts screen. If you select this check box, a project number is required. The edits that are performed on the project by itself are (see the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow):

  • Was the project number in the Basic Info table?
  • Was the Project Work Force Required check box (on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow) selected for this project number, and if so, was the employee in the Project Work Force table?
  • Was the date of the timesheet within the date range (start and end dates) for the Project Period of Performance (soft edit)?

Also, one of two combination edits is required depending on the setting of the Validate Project Charging by Organizations check box on the Configure Project Settings screen. You must have already set up the project number on the Set Up Account/Organization Links subtask of the Manage Project User Flow subtask of the Manage Project User Flow.

If the check box is not selected, only the account and organization combination was set up on the Account/Org Links subtask of the Manage Project User Flow.

In both combination edits above, the Active column for the account status must be Y on the Account/Org Links subtask of the Manage Project User Flow screen.

Project Name

This field displays the project name associated with the project number entered on this timesheet line.


The time and labor cost on each timesheet line is charged to a specific General Ledger account. For time to be charged to a given account, you must have already set up the account on the Manage Accounts screen.

On the timesheet line, you normally charge labor to a labor-related account type, but any account is accepted, provided the following conditions are met (see the documentation for the Manage Accounts screen to find out how to set up these conditions):

  • The account is on the Manage Accounts screen.
  • The Detail check box is selected (the account is a detail account) on the Manage Accounts screen.
  • The Active check box is selected on the Manage Accounts screen.
  • The fiscal year and period number on the timesheet falls within the range of the Starting Fiscal Year/Period and the Ending Fiscal Year/Period fields on the Manage Accounts screen.
  • The Account Entry Group that is related to this account on the Manage Accounts screen specifies that the Manage Timesheets screen is enabled (also see documentation for the Configure Account Entry Groups screen).
Account Name

This field displays the account name associated with the account number entered on this timesheet line.


This column displays the organization that is charged on this timesheet line. This is a required field. Edits that were made on the organization by itself are:

  • The organization must be in the Organization table (see the Manage Organization Structures and the Manage Organization Elements screens).
  • The Active check box has been selected on the Manage Organization Structures and the Manage Organization Elements screens.
  • The fiscal year and period number on the timesheet fall within the range of the Starting Fiscal Year/Periods and Ending Fiscal Year/Periods fields on the Manage Organization Structures and the Manage Organization Elements screens.

The combination of organization and account on the timesheet line must be valid. This validation occurs when you save (after all timesheet data has been entered). The validation of the combination of account and organization combination is:

  • The organization/account exists on the Organization/Account table (the Link Accounts/Organizations screen).
  • The check box in the Active column (on the Link Accounts/Organizations screen) for the account is selected (this check box is not selected unless both the organization and account are active).
  • The fiscal year and period number on the timesheet fall within the range of the FY/PD Start and the FY/PD End columns (on the Link Accounts/Organizations screen) for the account and organization combination.
Organization Name

This field displays the organization name associated with the organization number entered on this timesheet line.

Pay Type

This field displays the pay type code for this timesheet line. The Pay Type was entered on the Manage Timesheets screen.


This field displays the hours that the employee worked for this timesheet line, as entered on the Manage Timesheets screen.

Trans Amount

This field displays the labor cost for the transaction currency in which the hours were worked. You can use this field if have a license for Costpoint Multicurrency (MU) and Multi-Currency Functionality is enabled in the Configure Labor Settings  screen.

Labor Cost/Func Amount

This column displays the amount (labor cost) for each timesheet line, which is automatically computed by Costpoint. Labor costs are not displayed if labor suppression is in effect. Labor cost is calculated in a variety of ways depending on Costpoint settings.

The determination of what hourly rate (pay rate) to use for the employee depends on certain settings. If you selected the Enable check box in the Use Standard Rates group box on the Configure Labor Settings screen, the Manage Employee Salary Information screen has an effective rate. This is used in place of the employee's hourly rate. Standard rates are used only for Salaried Fixed Hours employees (see the Manage Employee Salary Information screen). It is an alternate method of handling salaried employee's uncompensated overtime.

If you selected the Enable Wage Determination Feature check box on the Labor Settings screen and the employee is charging to a project number that has a Wage Determination (WD) record established (see the Manage Wage Determination Rates screen) and for the appropriate GLC, location, labor group, and effective date, the rate for that WD record can be used. The WD record relates to the fields defined for the unique combination of project, location, labor category, and for labor group, and effective date. The project, location labor category, and timesheet date (used to access effective date) are part of the timesheet, and the labor group is assigned to each employee on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.

Depending on the setting of the hourly rate method, this rate per hour may have been used in the calculation of the timesheet line labor cost. If you selected the Override method on the Manage Wage Determination Rates screen, the associated rate per hour overrides all other rates to calculate the labor cost on the timesheet (that is, hours on the timesheet times the rate per hour from the override record (and as adjusted by the pay type parameters)).

If you selected the Use if Higher method on the Manage Wage Determination Rates screen, the hourly rate contained on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen for the employee (employee's rate) is first compared to rate per hour in the override record. If the override record rate per hour is higher than the employee's rate, the override rate is used. If not, the employee's rate is used to calculate labor cost. That is, hours on the timesheet times the greater of: 1) the override record rate per hour or 2) the employee's rate.

The Wage Determination table is not referenced for employees classified as Salaried Fixed Hours or Salaried Fluctuating Hours. It applies only to Hourly, non-exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act, type employees (see the Manage Employee Salary Information screen). Therefore, the Wage Determination table does not conflict with standard rates.

Once the hourly rate is determined, the pay type code parameters are taken into account. There are several parameters related to each pay type:

  • The factor, which is a number, such as 1.5, that is multiplied by the hourly rate times the number of hours worked. The result is added to the labor cost.
  • The amount, which is handled depending on the method specified in the Pay Type table:
    • It can be added to the labor cost calculation as a flat amount, or
    • It can be computed by multiplying the Amount by the hours worked, and the result added to labor cost, or
    • It can be computed by multiplying the Amount by the hours worked by the above factor, and the result added to labor cost.

If you selected the Enable Union Functionality check box on the Configure Labor Settings screen, the labor cost is determined by multiplying the charge hours by the GLC Hourly Rate listed for that union and local on the Manage Union Profile Setup screen. That amount is reflected in this field.

Another parameter that can enter into the labor cost calculation is the OK for Salaried Employees and Overtime options on the Manage Pay Types screen. If both of these check boxes are selected, timesheet lines containing this pay type are skipped by the auto-adjust calculation. Also, cost-only timesheet lines, if combined with lines containing hours, are zeroed out by the auto-adjust function. Timesheets containing all cost-only (pay types) timesheet lines are not auto-adjusted.


You can change the General Labor Category (GLC) code for this line if the Allow Edit of GLC check box is selected on the Labor Settings screen. The timesheet line provides the GLC default on the Default tab of the Manage Employee Information screen. You cannot change the GLC if the check box is not selected. If you enter a GLC, the code must be present in the General Labor Category table.

If authorized general labor categories are established (see the documentation for the Assign GLCs to Employees screen) for this employee, a warning is issued at timesheet entry if the general labor category charged is not found (not authorized). If no authorized general labor categories are set up for the affected employee, then no edit is performed. This feature is similar to the Deltek System1 Skill Codes.


This field displays the Project Labor Category code (PLC) to be used for billing purposes. This field, which is populated on the Manage Timesheets screen, comes from one of three different tables:  

  • The Project Employee Labor Category table:  If you selected the Project Work Force Required check box on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow for the project number being charged, this table is accessed. If the employee is found in this table, the associated default PLC is retrieved.
  • The Project Labor Category Map table: If the timesheet line project number and general labor category are found in this table, the associated PLC is offered as a default.
  • The General Labor Category table: If the above tables do not produce a default PLC, this table is accessed by the timesheet line general labor category code. The associated PLC is offered as a default.

The PLC field is validated against one of three different tables (PLCs are required only for timesheet lines containing a project number):

  • The Project Employee Labor Category table: If you selected the Project Work Force Required check box on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow for the project number being charged, this table is accessed. This employee must be in this table with the associated authorized PLCs. If the PLC charged is not in this table for this employee, an error message is issued.
  • The Project Labor Category table: If you did not select the Project Work Force Required check box on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow, this table is accessed. If the project number charged on the timesheet line is found (at all) in this table, the PLC on the timesheet line must also be in this table (authorized). If not, an error message is issued. If the project is not in the table, the next edit is performed.
  • The Project (Billable) Labor Category table: If the above two tables are not applicable, this table is accessed. In this case, the PLC entered on the timesheet line must be in this table, or an error message is issued (PLCs are required only for timesheet lines containing a project number).
Bill Date

When a PLC is entered on a timesheet line, the subperiod end date default into this field. You can edit this date, but Costpoint does not validate this changed date. When no PLC exists on the timesheet line, this field is not required.

Labor Location/Local

This field displays the location where the work is being performed or the Local, if this is a Union employee. If you selected the Require Labor Location on Timesheet check box on the Configure Labor Settings screen, this is a required field. The default is provided from the Default tab of the Manage Employee Information screen. If you are using the Auto-OT feature, this location field is used to access the Overtime Rules by Location table. It is also a key field for the Wage Determination feature.

Withholding State

This field displays the employee's withholding state for this timesheet.

Withholding Locality

This field displays the employee's withholding locality for this timesheet.

Workers' Compensation

This field displays the workers' compensation code for this timesheet line. It is edited on the Manage Timesheets screen to determine that the code is in the Worker's Comp table.

Project Abbreviation

This field displays the project abbreviation that corresponds with the project number.

Project/Account Abbreviation

This field displays the project/account abbreviation posted to labor distribution for a particular timesheet.

Org Abbrev

This field displays the organization abbreviation that corresponds with the organization number.

Reference 1

This field displays the reference number for the reference 1 table.

Reference 2

This field displays the reference number for the reference 2 table.

Entered Hours

This field shows the hours entered on the timesheet line. If a cost-only pay type is charged, the Hours field on the Manage Timesheets screen is zeroed out. This field is updated by entries to the Hours field but retains the original value entered.


This column displays any notes that may have been entered for each timesheet line.

Order Number

This field displays the manufacturing/sales order number for this timesheet, if applicable.

Union Fringe Code

Field Description
Union Fringe Code

This field displays the fringe code to be used for this timesheet.

Fringe Line Number

This field displays the timesheet line number that the fringe is referring to.

Line Source

This field displays the application ID used to enter the line.

Transaction ID

This field displays the timesheet line's transaction ID from Shop Floor Time.


Subtask Description
Exchange Rates Click this link to view exchange rate information.