Contents of the Create Accounts Payable Vouchers Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Create Accounts Payable Vouchers screen.


Use the fields in this block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously saved parameter ID. A parameter ID represents a set of screen selection parameters. After you have saved a parameter ID and its related parameters, you can retrieve them using Query.

You can use the retrieved parameters to produce reports and run processes more efficiently and with greater consistency. The saved parameters are also useful and necessary when you want to run the process as part of a batch job. Many users save a unique set of parameters for each different way they run a report or process. When you select a previously saved parameter ID or parameter description, the associated saved screen selection parameters automatically display as selection defaults. The page setup and print options, if there are any, are also included in the saved parameter ID. You can change any of the associated selection defaults as necessary.

Field Description
Parameter ID

Enter, or click to select, a parameter ID of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. Choose characters for your parameter ID that help identify the type of selections you made on the screen, such as PERIOD or QUARTERLY.

When you save your record, all the selections made on the screen are stored with the parameter ID. Later, you can retrieve the parameter using Query.

You can use the parameter to run the process more efficiently because you can select the parameter ID with its previously defined screen selections. After the default selections display on the screen, you can override the defaults.


Enter, or click to select, a parameter description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.

Selection Ranges

Use this group box to specify the selection ranges for the taxable entity, payroll check dates, and voucher source for the A/P voucher.

Taxable Entity

Use this group box to identify the taxable entity for which you want to create A/P vouchers. You can establish taxable entity IDs on the Configure Company Information screen.

Field Description

This field always displays One.


Enter, or click to select, a taxable entity for which you want to create A/P vouchers.

Payroll Check Dates

Use this group box to indicate the check date range in which A/P Vouchers are created for records on the Manage Employee Earnings History screen.

Field Description

This drop-down list provides the following range selections:

  • One
  • Range

If you select One, the End field is disabled; if you select Range, the Start and End fields are required.


Enter, or click to select, the starting check date range.


Enter, or click  to select, the ending check date range.

Voucher Source

Use this group box to select one of four tax sources for creating A/P vouchers.

  • Federal: Select this option to create A/P vouchers for Federal Type 941 and 940 taxes. If you select this option, the options in the Include for Federal group box are enabled, and the Options drop-down list is set to All.
  • State: Select this option to create A/P vouchers for state taxes. If you select this option, the options in both the Include for State group box and this group box (Voucher Source) are enabled.
  • Localities: Select this option to create A/P vouchers for local taxes. If you select this option, the options in this group box (Voucher Source) are enabled.
  • Deduction/Contributions: Select this option to create A/P vouchers for deductions and/or contributions. If you select this option, the options in both the Include for Deductions/Contributions group box and this group box (Voucher Source) are enabled.
Field Description

This drop-down list provides the following range selections:

  • All
  • One
  • Range
  • From Beginning
  • To End

If you select All, the Start and End fields are disabled; if you select One, the End field is disabled; if you select From Beginning, the Start field is disabled; and if you select To End, the End field is disabled.


If your range selection is One, Range, or To End, enter, or click to select, the voucher source for which you want to start the range.


If your range selection is Range or From Beginning, enter, or click to select, the voucher source with which you wish to end the range.


Select this check box to select a non-contiguous range of voucher sources. Use the appropriate Non-Contiguous subtask to select the ranges you want.


Use this group box to select the tax type settings that must be included for processing.

Field Description
Record Type

Use this drop-down list to select the type of record for the voucher. Options include:

  • Unprocessed Records Only: Select this option to exclude records that have been previously created on the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen. These records are flagged in Costpoint as already created.
  • All Records: Select this option to create vouchers for all records, including those that were created on the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen. Any records that have an A/P Voucher previously created for them are included when this process is run. Duplicate vouchers exist unless you manually delete them in Costpoint Accounts Payable.
Include Payroll Edit Records

Select this check box to use both Employee Earnings and Payroll Edit as data sources for creating A/P vouchers. Employee Earnings records and Payroll Edit records that have a check number and date are included. If you do not select this check box, only Employee Earnings records are used during processing.

Print Detail Report

Select this check box to include detail information on individual employees included for each voucher.

Include for Federal

The check boxes in this group box are enabled only if you selected the Federal option in the Voucher Source group box.

Field Description
Type 940

Select this check box to create A/P vouchers for records that have 940 type tax accruals (that is, FUTA Accrued Expenses).

The vendor that is assigned to this voucher must be set up on the Configure Payroll Settings screen in the Federal940 A/P Vendor field. The accounts assigned to the voucher must also be specified in the Configure Payroll Settings screen (that is, FUTA Accrual).  

Type 941

Select this check box to create A/P vouchers for records that have 941 type tax withholdings, accruals, and advance EIC. This includes Federal Income Tax withheld, social security withheld and accrued, and Medicare withheld and accrued, less advance EIC. 

The vendor that is assigned to this voucher must be set up on the Configure Payroll Settings screen in the Federal941 A/P Vendor field. The accounts assigned to the voucher must also be specified on the Configure Payroll Settings screen (that is, Federal Income Tax > W/H, Social Security W/H, Social Security Accrual, Medicare Accrual, and Advance Earned Income Credit).

Include for State

The check boxes in this group box are enabled if you selected the State option in the Voucher Source group box.

Field Description

Select this check box to create A/P vouchers for those records in the Voucher Source group box that have state withholding amounts. Each state that has a withholding amount greater than zero has a separate voucher created. The vendor that is assigned to this voucher must be assigned to the Withholding field in the A/P Vendor group box on the Tax ID/Ref No/Vendor Info subtask of the Manage State Taxes screen, and the Withholding field in the Posting Accounts group box on the main Manage State Taxes screen must be populated. If you established a record for the selected state and taxable entity on the Manage State Tax Override by Taxable Entity screen, the Withholding A/P Vendor ID and SUTA Accrual account from that screen is used.


Select this check box to create A/P vouchers for those records in the Voucher Source group box that have SUTA accrued expenses. Each state that has a SUTA accrued expense amount greater than zero has a separate voucher created. The vendor that is assigned to this voucher must be assigned to the SUTA field in the A/P Vendor group box on the Tax ID/Ref No/Vendor Info subtask of the Manage State Taxes screen, and the SUTA Accrual field in the Posting Accounts group box on the main Manage State Taxes screen must be populated. If a record was established for the selected state and taxable entity on the Manage State Tax Override by Taxable Entity screen, the SUTA A/P Vendor ID and SUTA Accrual account from that screen is used.

Include for Deductions/Contributions

The check boxes in this group box are enabled if you selected the Deductions/Contributions option in the Voucher Source group box.

Field Description

Select this check box to create A/P vouchers for each selected deduction code in the Voucher Source group box. Each deduction code that has a deduction amount greater than zero has a separate voucher created. The vendor that is assigned to this voucher must be assigned in the A/P Vendor ID field on the Account/Vendor/Reference Numbers subtask of the Manage Deductions screen, and the Withholding Account field (on the same subtask) must be populated.


Select this check box to create A/P vouchers for each selected deduction code in the Voucher Source group box. Each deduction code that has a deduction amount greater than zero has a separate voucher created. The vendor that is assigned to this voucher must be assigned in the A/P Vendor ID field on the Account/Vendor/Reference Numbers subtask of the Manage Deductions screen, and the Withholding Account field (on the same subtask) must be populated.


Voucher Information

Field Description
Invoice Date

Enter, or click  to select, the invoice date for which A/P vouchers are created. This field defaults with the system date.

Voucher Numbering

There are two methods to number the vouchers: company-wide (assigned by Costpoint), or manually assigned by the user. Depending on the method you select, voucher numbers are assigned at the beginning or end of the voucher input process. Manually assigned methods generate or require a voucher number in the beginning, whereas the company-wide method generates a voucher number when you save the voucher. Regardless of which method you select, the voucher numbers must be unique for each fiscal year.

Field Description

Select one of the following options for the voucher numbering method:

  • System: Select this option to have Costpoint assign voucher numbers. This method of assigning voucher numbers on a company-wide basis is the default. Enter a starting voucher number in the Starting Voucher Number field, and every voucher added into Costpoint is incremented by one from that number.
  • Manual: Select this option to assign voucher numbers manually. Costpoint requires a voucher number at the beginning of the entry process.
Starting Voucher Number

If you selected the Manual option, enter the starting voucher number in this field.

Accounting Period

Use this group box to select the fiscal year, period and subperiod for which A/P vouchers are created and inserted into the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen.

Field Description
Fiscal Year

Enter, or click to select, the fiscal year.


Enter, or click to select, the period.


Enter, or click to select, the subperiod.

Adjustment Information

Field Description
Payment Adjustment

Enter a payment adjustment in this optional field. Enter a negative number to reduce the amount, or a positive number to increase the amount.


Enter, or click to select, the organization for the adjustment.


Enter, or click to select, the account for the adjustment.


Enter, or click to select, the project for the adjustment.

Create A/P Vouchers

When you click , the program produces an error report for any failed validation (for example, when a vendor ID, account ID, or tax type is invalid). Otherwise, the A/P voucher report prints without any failed validations. The A/P voucher report consists of three sections: the first section lists the records from Payroll Edit and Maintain Employee Earnings that have been included in the process; the second section lists the vendor totals; and the third section lists the accounts that have been charged. The report is sorted by vendor name, then by employee name. The report detail (section 2) is not included if the PrintDetail Report check box is cleared. A voucher is not created if the specified value is equal to or less than $0.00.


Item Description
State Non-Contiguous Click this link to open the State Non-Contiguous subtask.
Localities Non-Contiguous Click this link to open the Localities Non-Contiguous subtask.
Deductions/Contributions Non-Contiguous Click this link to open the Deductions/Contributions Non-Contiguous subtask.