Contents of the Manage Work Assignment Approval Codes Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Work Assignment Approval Codes screen.


Field Description
Work Assignment Approval Code

Enter the work assignment approval code.


Enter a description for the work assignment approval code.

Approval Type

Select the approval type from the following options:

  • Auto-Approve Work Assignment: When you select this option for the approval code and the user entering the work assignment is linked to this approval code, the work assignment will automatically be approved, as well as the charge lines (on the Charges subtask of Manage Work Assignments) and vendor employee lines (on the Vendor Employees subtask of the Charges subtask), when the work assignment is saved.
  • Approve at Work Assignment Level: When you select this option for the approval code and the user entering the work assignment is linked to this approval code, the user will have the option to approve the work assignment and any charge and vendor employee lines for that work assignment.
  • Approve at Charge Line Level: When you select this option for the approval code and the user entering the work assignment is linked to this approval code, the user will have the option to approve charge lines for projects linked to the work assignment, as well as vendor employees linked to the charge lines. The charge lines must be approved before the vendor employees can be approved.
Field Description
Always Include Lower Levels

This check box is enabled only when you select the Approve at Charge Line Level option. Select this check box to have the Include Lower Level check box selected by default on the Link Projects subtask.


Field Description
User ID

Enter, or click to select, a user ID to link to the work assignment approval code. At least one user must be linked to the approval code regardless of the approval type you selected.

User Name

This field displays the user name.


Subtask Description
Link Projects Click this link to open the Link Projects subtask.