RMA Header Tab

Use this tab to establish information related to the customer return.


Field Description
Customer Enter or select the customer associated with the RMA. The entry in this field helps filter the lookup in the Sales Order field.
RMA Expiration Date Enter the expiration date of the RMA. This is the due date when the material needs to be returned to the seller's warehouse.

Returned materials arriving after this date may be rejected or accepted with a penalty. If a replacement item had already been shipped, the customer may be charged for the replacement.

The initial value is the current date plus the number of days the RMA is valid as set in Configure Customer Return Settings.

Customer Address This field displays the customer address associated with the Return Material Authorization. If you enter a sales order (SO), this displays the SO header Bill to Address, otherwise, this remains blank.
Employee Enter or select the employee creating the RMA.
RMA PO ID Enter a new purchase order ID for the RMA. You can leave this blank if auto-assign is enabled. The PO will have a PO type of RMA (new), and will be used only for receiving the returned material to the seller's warehouse.
RMA PO Release This field displays the release number of the RMA PO. The initial value is "0".
Organization Enter or select an organization ID. This is a required field if Organization Security is enabled. If you entered an employee, the system loads the employee's Home Organization.


Field Description
Orig SO Enter or select the original SO ID for which the material is returned. Entering the sales order autoloads the SO lines or component lines for material returns.
Invoice Number Enter or select the invoice number associated with the RMA. This loads from the header for autoloaded lines. If the header invoice number is blank, you can use this field to create an RMA line for an SO line that is associated with a particular invoice number.
Customer PO Enter the purchase order (PO) of the customer associated with the original sales order (SO) on the RMA. This field is editable for new records and loads the customer PO and SO when you select a row from the Lookup.
Submit Select this checkbox to submit the RMA to the customer. If this is selected upon save, the system updates the header status from Pending to Open. Subsequent changes are automatically submitted along with an email notification if the RMA Email Notification checkbox is selected.
Autoload Click this button to load RMA lines based on the header information.

If a default SO and invoice number are entered in the header, the RMA lines based on the corresponding invoice lines are loaded.

If an invoice number is not provided in the header, all SO lines based on the header SO are loaded.