Contents of the Manage Performance Assessment Formats Screen
Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Performance Assessment Formats screen.
Table Window
Use this table window to view and/or enter contract assessment formats. Click New to add a new line.
Field | Description |
Assessment Format ID | Enter a unique assessment format ID. There is one Costpoint-defined format ID (STANDARD) that displays automatically in this field. You cannot delete or modify this ID nor its corresponding assessment format name. If you do not want to use this in contract assessments, you can clear its corresponding Show in Lookup checkbox, and it will no longer be available for selection on performance assessments in Manage Contracts. For user-defined format IDs, once you save them, you will no longer be able to modify the ID. A user-defined format ID record/row can only be deleted if it has not been used in any contract performance assessment. |
Assessment Format Name | Enter a unique format name for new assessment format IDs. For existing user-defined format IDs, you can modify the format name only if the format ID has not been assigned to a contract assessment (that is, the Assigned to a Contract Assessment checkbox is clear for the format ID). |
Default Format | Select this checkbox if you want this format to be the default format that you will use in assessing contract performance. The selected format will default in the Assessment Format field on the Performance Assessment tab of Manage Contracts but can still be changed on that screen. It is not required to have a default format. Note, however, that only one format can be set as the default. Costpoint displays an error message when you select this checkbox for more than one format. |
Max Score | This field displays the maximum score associated with the assessment format ID based on the number of assessment codes assigned to the format. Up to 10 assessment codes can be assigned to the format, each accounting for a score of 10. If you assigned all 10 assessment codes, then the maximum score for the format is 100. If you assigned only 6 assessment codes, then the maximum score is 60. |
Show in Lookup | This checkbox is selected by default for both user- and system-defined formats, but you can modify it. Keep it selected to display the format ID in the lookup of the Assessment Format field on the Performance Assessment tab of the Manage Contracts screen. Only those format IDs that are available in the lookup can be used for new assessment records in Manage Contracts. If you clear this checkbox, you will not be able to use the format in assessing contract performance. If you have already assigned the format to a contract assessment and then you clear this checkbox, the contract assessment will not be affected. If you set the format as the Default Format, the Show in Lookup checkbox is automatically selected and cannot be changed. Note: Even if you have a default format, other formats with the Show in Lookup checkbox selected will still be available for selection on the Performance Assessment tab of Manage Contracts.
Source | This field displays System (system-defined format ID) or User (user-defined format ID). You cannot modify this field. |
Assigned to a Contract Assessment | If selected, this checkbox indicates that the format has already been assigned to a contract assessment. |
Assessment Code 01 - 10 | Enter, or click You can enter a maximum of 10 assessment codes, but only Assessment Code 01 is required. You cannot use the same assessment code in multiple assessment code fields. Once you have used an assessment code in a field, that code will not be available for selection in another assessment code field. Do not skip assessment code fields when entering assessment codes to avoid an error (for example, you entered a value in Assessment Code 03, skipped Assessment Code 04, and then entered a value in Assessment Code 05). Fill in the gaps or move the assessment code up in the sequence. |
Assessment Description 01 - 10 | This field displays the assessment descriptions of the assessment codes you selected in Assessment Code 01 - 10. The descriptions of the assessment codes you assigned to the format will display on the Assessment Details subtask on the Performance Assessment tab of Manage Contracts when the format is selected on that tab. |