Ceridian Source 500 Series Export File Layout

The following table shows the format and data source for the Ceridian Source 500 Series export file.

Time Import Record Layout

Description Column Required Contents
1 Company # 1 - 4 Y Company ID corresponding to the Ceridian Configuration that you selected.
2 Batch description 5 - 36 Y TIME IMPORT (right-padded w/spaces)
3 Clock number 37 - 46 Y Ceridian Employee number dynamically built at runtime based on the format parameters that you established on the Manage Ceridian Configuration screen.
4 Ceridian Pay Code 47 - 48 N Ceridian Pay Code linked to either the timesheet line account or pay type that you established on the Ceridian Mapping subtask of the Manage Ceridian Configuration screen (right-padded with spaces).
5 Hours 49 - 63 N Timesheet line charge hours expressed in 100ths of an hour (for example, 24.25 hours is sent as 000000000024.25).
  • Right-justified
  • Zero fill
  • Precision of 2 (two digits allowed after the decimal point)
  • Include decimal points
  • No overpunch for negative numbers. Negative signs must be left-justified (for example, -69.00 hours is sent as ‑00000000069.00).
6 Rate Modifier 64 - 64 N Ceridian Rate Code linked to either the timesheet line account or pay type that you established on the Ceridian Mapping subtask of the Manage Ceridian Configuration screen. Must be an E, P, or R (populated with # if there is no rate code).
7 Rate / Earnings 65 - 79 N If the Ceridian Rate Code is E, this field is populated with the timesheet line's labor cost amount, using the following rules:
  • Right-justified
  • Zero fill
  • Precision of 4 (four digits allowed after the decimal point)
  • Include decimal points
  • No overpunch for negative numbers. Negative signs must be left-justified (for example, -2760.00 hours is sent as ‑00000002760.00).

If the Ceridian Rate Code is P or R, this field is populated with the timesheet line hourly amount, using the following rules:  

  • Right-justified
  • Zero fill
  • Precision of 2 (two digits allowed after the decimal point)
  • Include decimal points
  • No overpunch for negative numbers. Negative signs must be left-justified (for example, -27.60 hours is sent as ‑000000027.6000).
8 Charge to division 80 - 85 N Blanks
9 Charge to department 86 - 91 N Blanks
10 Distribution 92 - 110 N Blanks
11 Labor Distribution 111 - 111 N Blanks
12 Accounting Month 112 - 113 V Blanks