Row Definition Subtask

Use this subtask to define source file row type, description, and input file content definition from a Costpoint budgeting perspective.

You also define row specifications using a specific column number and a data value within that column.


Field Description
Row Type ID

Enter a row type.

Row Type Description

Enter a Row Type description.

Record Type

Use this drop-down list to select the type of data represented by this row. Valid options are:

  • DLC: Direct labor
  • DNLC: Direct non-labor
  • INDC: Indirects
  • FEE: Manual Fee
  • ETC: Estimate-to-complete revenue amounts.

You cannot process indirects alone; you must process them in the same input file as direct labor or direct non-labor and they must contain the same logical key information as the directs. You cannot process direct labor and direct non-labor in the same source file definition. If the input file contains ETC-based data, you can select only ETC.


Use this column to identify which column contains a specific data value that uniquely identifies this row. This value must be greater than zero.

Column Data Value

Use this column to define the exact data value the application uses to determine whether an input file row matches this source file row definition. The value entered must match the input file data pattern exactly.


Use this column to define how the application evaluates the "data value" within a column. The selections are:

  • BEGINS WITH: Column starts with value
  • ENDS WITH: Column ends with value
  • CONTAINS: Column has value somewhere within it
  • EQUALS: Matches column value exactly
Warning: Altering or deleting a row type definition deletes all mapping definition information. You must then re-enter that information in the Configure Project Planner Mapping Definitions screen.


Subtask Description
Column Definition The Column Definition subtask displays the physical columns in the input file, describes each column, defines inclusion for mapping, and specifies whether the column repeats, at what interval, and how often.
Mapping Definition The Mapping Definition subtask displays the list of columns you have defined for the input file and the list of columns required for update in the Costpoint tables. This subtask displays data from the Configure Project Planner Mapping Definitions screen