Charges Subtask

Use this subtask of the Manage Work Assignments screen to view or modify charging information on the charge line associated with the work assignment. You can also use this subtask to enter additional charges for the purchase order (PO).

If the Charge Code Change check box is selected on the Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings screen, you can edit the project, account, and organization that defaulted from the PO line to the charge line. You can also add new charge lines with different projects, accounts, and organizations. If this check box is not selected, you cannot modify the project, account, and organization on the charge lines.

You can delete charge lines on this subtask as long as they have not been used on any timesheets in Deltek Time & Expense.

Auto Load Charge Lines

Field Description
Auto Load Charge Lines

Click this button to automatically populate this subtask and the Vendor Employees subtask with information from the subcontractor agreement PO.


Field Description
Load PO Lines as Charge Lines

This check box is selected by default. Keep it selected to load PO lines that are linked to the subcontractor agreement PO. To load System Closed PO lines, the Include System Closed PO Lines check box must be selected on the Business rules tab, but you cannot make edits to those lines.

If you select this check box, you will have options to load PO line charges and/or PO line resources.

Load PO Line Charges

This check box is enabled only and selected by default if you have selected the Load PO Lines as Charge Lines check box. Keep it selected to load charges from the PO lines. This populates the lines on the Work Assignment PO Line Charges subtask of the Charges subtask.

Load PO Line Resources

This check box is enabled only and selected by default if you have selected the Load PO Lines as Charge Lines check box. Keep it selected to load resource information from the PO lines. This populates the Vendor Employees subtask of the Charges subtask.

Load Charge Lines for Work Force Projects

This check box is enabled only if the Charge Code Change check box is selected on the Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings screen. Select this check box to load charge lines for work force projects. This option loads projects equal to or a child of the project on the PO line if records exist in the PROJ_VEND_EMPL table and the projects have the Allow Charging and Project Work Force Required check boxes selected on the Manage Project User Flow screen. If the PO line project also has the Use Top Level Work Force check box (also on the Manage Project User Flow screen) selected, the work force from the top-level project will be loaded for the projects equal to or a child of the project on the PO line.

If you select this check box, you will have options to load vendor employees in the work force for all project labor categories (PLCs) or just those with defaults PLCs.

Load Work Force for All PLCs

This option is enabled only and selected by default if you have selected the Load Charge Lines for Work Force Projects check box. Keep it selected to load vendor employees in the work force for all PLCs.

Limit Work Force based on Default PLCs

This option is enabled only if you have selected the Load Charge Lines for Work Force Projects check box. Select this option to load only vendor employees in the work force with default PLCs.


The options in this group box are enabled only if the Charge Code Change check box is selected on the Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings screen.

Field Description
Use Org from PO

This option is selected by default. Keep it selected to use the organization from the PO in loading charge lines.

Use Project Owning Org

Select this option to use the project owning organization in loading charge lines.

Recalculate Quantity/Amount

Click this button to recalculate the hours or amount on charge lines if hours/amount exists for every vendor employee on the Vendor Employees subtask.

Recalculate Tax Amt

Click this button to recalculate the sales tax or value-added (VAT) amount on this subtask and the Work Assignment PO Line Charges subtask.

Table Window

Field Description

This field defaults sequentially as new charge lines are added.

PO Line

Enter, or click to select, a PO line number. When you click the Auto Load PO button, Costpoint loads all PO lines linked to the subcontractor agreement PO except for void or closed PO lines. PO lines with a status of System Closed will only be displayed if the Include System Closed PO Lines check box is selected on the Business Rules tab, but you will not be able to make changes to these lines.

This field is disabled if the charge line already has time or expense charged against it.


Enter, or click to select, a valid item ID. This defaults from the PO line but can be edited.

This field is disabled if the charge line already has time or expense charged against it.


When a valid item has been entered or selected, the latest revision (if any) is displayed in this field.

This field is disabled if the charge line already has time or expense charged against it.


Enter a description for the line item. This field defaults from the description linked to the item or miscellaneous charge type but can be edited.

Misc Type

Enter, or click to select, a PO line charge type code.

Charge Line Start Date

Enter, or click to select, the charge line start date. It defaults from the Work Assignment Start Date but can be edited. The date you enter must be the same or later than the Work Assignment Start Date.

Charge Line End Date

Enter, or click to select, the charge line end date. It defaults from the Work Assignment End Date but can be edited. This date must be the same or earlier than the Work Assignment End Date.

Charge Type

Select a charge type from the drop-down list. Valid options are:

  • Labor - When you select this option, the charge line will be available in Time & Expense for timesheet entry.
  • Expense - When you select this option, the charge line will be available in Time & Expense for expense entry.
  • Other

This drop-down list is disabled if the charge line already has time or expense charged against it.

Approval Status

This field defaults to Pending if approvals are required as set on the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen, or to Approved and disabled if approvals are not required. You can edit this field if you are eligible to approve charge lines or work assignments. The other statuses are Closed, Rejected, and Hold. Hold means that the charge line is not eligible for approval. You must change the status to Pending before you can approve the charge line.

If a charge line has a status of Approved and you change the status of a vendor employee line to Pending or Rejected, the status of the charge line will not change.

Rejection Reason

Enter a reason for rejecting the charge line.


This field displays the approver name.


Enter, or click to select, a project to receive charges for this charge line. This field defaults from the project on the PO line but can be edited if you have rights in Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings.

This field is disabled if the charge line already has time or expense charged against it.

Project Name

This field displays the project name for the project selected.


Enter, or click to select, an account to receive charges for this charge line. This field defaults from the account on the PO line but can be edited if you have rights in Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings.

This field is disabled if the charge line already has time or expense charged against it.

Account Name

This field displays the account name for the account selected.


Enter, or click to select, an organization to receive charges for this charge line. This field defaults from the organization on the PO line but can be edited if you have rights in Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings.

This field is disabled if the charge line already has time or expense charged against it.

Organization Name

This field displays the organization name for the organization selected.


Enter, or click to select, a general labor category. This defaults to the GLC linked to the PO line resource if it exists, and will be used on new lines entered on the Vendor Employees subtask. If you try to enter a GLC on the Vendor Employees subtask that is different from the GLC on the charge line, the GLC on the charge line will be deleted. If there is no value in this field and all the vendor employee records have the same GLC, that GLC will be written to the charge line.

This field is disabled if the charge line already has time or expense charged against it.

GLC Description

This field displays the GLC description.


Enter, or click to select, a project labor category. This defaults to the PLC linked to the PO line resource if it exists, and will be used on new lines entered on the Vendor Employees subtask. If you try to enter a PLC on the Vendor Employees subtask that is different from the PLC on the charge line, the PLC on the charge line will be deleted. If there is no value in this field and all the vendor employee records have the same PLC, that PLC will be written to the charge line.

This field is disabled if the charge line already has time or expense charged against it.

PLC Description

This field displays the PLC description.


Enter the rate to be used when paying the subcontractor for the vendor employee specified on the Vendor Employees subtask.

For a three-way match, upon loading the PO line, the PO Line Net Unit Cost (which can be edited) and the rate default to all new rows entered on the Vendor Employees subtask and cannot be changed there. For all other match types, the rate does not default to any value. However, if you enter a rate, that value will default to any subsequently entered rows on the Vendor Employees subtask. If you try to enter a rate on the Vendor Employees subtask that is different from the rate on the charge line, the rate on the charge line will be deleted.


Enter the quantity to be charged. By default, this field displays the PO line quantity specified in the Quantity field on the Manage Purchase Orders screen for a three-way match PO line but can be edited.

Amount Before Discount

Enter the amount to be charged. If there are values in the Quantity and Rate fields, Costpoint automatically calculates this amount.

Discount Rate

Enter the discount rate.

Discount Amount

Costpoint automatically calculates the discount amount. The calculation is Amount Before Discount multiplied by Discount Rate.

Amount After Discount

Costpoint automatically calculates the amount after factoring in the discount. The calculation is Amount Before Discount less Discount Amount.


From the drop-down list, select the type of tax to be calculated for this charge line:

  • Sales Tax: Select this option if the item is subject to sales tax or VAT.
  • Non-taxable: Select this option if the item is non-taxable. If you select this option, the Tax/VAT Code, Tax Rate, and Sales Tax/VAT Amt fields are disabled.
Tax/VAT Code

Enter, or click to select, the tax code for this charge line. The tax code entered for the PO line defaults but you can change it.

Tax Rate

This field displays the tax rate for the tax/VAT code and cannot be edited. If sales tax exists on the PO line, this rate is derived from the PO line ship ID.

Charge Line Sales Tax/VAT Amt

Enter the sales tax or VAT amount. If you entered a tax/VAT code, Costpoint automatically calculates this amount but you can change it. The calculation is Amount Before Discount multiplied by Tax Rate.

PO Line Charge Amount

This field displays the sum of charges on the Work Assignment PO Line Charges subtask.

PO Line Charge Sales Tax/VAT Amt

This field displays the sum of sales tax/VAT amounts on the Work Assignment PO Line Charges subtask.

Sales Tax/VAT Amt

This field displays the sales tax/VAT amount.

Total Charge Line Amt

Costpoint automatically calculates the total charge line amount. The calculation is Amount After Discount plus Sales Tax/VAT Amt plus Work Assignment PO Line Charges.

Trans Remaining PO Line Amount

Costpoint automatically calculates the remaining PO line amount in transaction currency using the amounts on the Remaining PO Line Status subtask. The calculation is Open PO/PO Line Amount less Un-Vouchered Amount less Remaining Work Assignment Charge Line Amount.

Func Remaining PO Line Amount

Costpoint automatically calculates the remaining PO line amount in functional currency using the amounts on the Remaining PO Line Status subtask. The calculation is Open PO/PO Line Amount less Un-Vouchered Amount less Remaining Work Assignment Charge Line Amount.


This defaults to the City specified on the Vendor Employees subtask if the city is the same on all vendor employee lines. Otherwise, this field is blank.


This defaults to the State specified on the Vendor Employees subtask if the state is the same on all vendor employee lines. Otherwise, this field is blank.

Postal Code

This defaults to the Postal Code specified on the Vendor Employees subtask if the postal code is the same on all vendor employee lines. Otherwise, this field is blank.


This defaults to the Country specified on the Vendor Employees subtask if the country is the same on all vendor employee lines. Otherwise, this field is blank.

Ref 1

Enter, or click to select, a first reference number. By default, this field displays the first reference number associated with the PO line but can be edited if the Charge Code Change check box is selected on the Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings screen.

This field is disabled if the charge line already has time or expense charged against it.

Ref 1 Name

This field displays the name of the first reference number selected.

Ref 2

Enter, or click to select, a second reference number. By default, this field displays the second reference number associated with the PO line but can be edited if the Charge Code Change check box is selected on the Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings screen.

This field is disabled if the charge line already has time or expense charged against it.

Ref 2 Name

This field displays the name of the second reference number selected.

Closed Date

This field displays the charge line closed date and is populated by Costpoint when the charge line approval status is set to Closed.

Unallowable Account

Enter, or click to select, an unallowable account. This defaults from the account on the Business Rules tab if specified; otherwise, you must enter an account in this field.

You must also enter an account in this field if the Allow Entered Hours Over Charge Line/Vendor Employee Hours, Allow Charges Over Charge Line/Vendor Employee Amount, or Allow Charges Outside Work Assignment Period of Performance check box is not selected on the Business Rules tab of the main screen.

Unallowable Account Name

This field displays the unallowable account name.

PO Match Type

This field displays the type of matching required for the PO line. Valid values are None, 2-way, and 3-way.

Remaining PO Line Quantity

Costpoint automatically calculates the remaining PO line quantity using the values on the Remaining PO Line Status subtask. The calculation is Open PO/PO Line Quantity less Un-Vouchered Quantity less Remaining Work Assignment Charge Line Quantity.


Subtask Description
Work Assignment PO Line Charges Click this link to open the Work Assignment PO Line Charges subtask to view or add miscellaneous charges to the PO line associated with the charge line.
Security Reqts Click this link to open the Security Reqts subtask to view and/or establish security requirements for the vendor employees associated with the work assignment if the security requirements are defined at the PO line.
Line SOW Click this link to open the Line SOW subtask to view the statement of work (SOW) for the PO line associated with the charge line.
Remaining PO Line Status Click this link to open the Remaining PO Line Status subtask to view the remaining amount and quantity for the PO line associated with the charge line.
Vendor Employees Click this link to open the Vendor Employees subtask to view or specify vendor employees who can charge against the work assignment charge line.
Currency Line Click this link to open the Currency Line subtask to view information related to the transaction and functional currencies of the selected charge line.
Charge Line Notes Click this link to open the Charge Line Notes subtask to enter or view notes specific to the entire charge line.
Charge Line Error/Warning Messages Click this link to open the Charge Line Error/Warning Messages subtask to view the list of error and/or warning messages associated with the charge line upon approval.