Line Info 20-26 Tab

Use this tab to review Lines 20a - Line 26 of Government form 1443.

Lines 20a, 21a, 21d, 23, and 26 are editable. The remainder of the fields in this tab are non-editable. Use this tab after you have calculated progress payment bills and before you print or post the bills.


Field Description
20a. Costs Applicable To Items Delivered, Invoiced, and Accepted

This field can be modified.

20b. Costs Eligible For Progress Payments

This field is the result of subtracting line 20a from line 11. This field cannot be modified.

20c. Item 20b Multiplied By Item 6a

This field is the result of multiplying line 20b by the line 6a, Prog. Pymts., located on the Section 1; Box 3-8 tab of this screen. This field cannot be modified.

20d. Eligible Subcontractor Progress Payments

This field is the same amount appearing on line 14e. This field cannot be modified.

20e. Limitation a(3)(i) or a(4)(i)

This field is the result of adding lines 20c and 20d. This field cannot be modified.

21a. Contract Price Of Items Delivered, Accepted and Invoiced

This field can be modified.

21b. Contract Price Of Items Not Deliv, Accepted and Invoiced

This field is the result of subtracting line 21a from line 5, Contract Price, located on the Section 1; Box 3-8 tab of this screen. This field cannot be modified.

21c. Item 21b Multiplied By Item 6b

This field is the result of multiplying line 21b by the line 6b, Liquidation, located on the Section 1; Box 3-8 tab of this screen. This field cannot be modified.

21d. Unliquidated Advance Payments Plus Accrued Interest

This field can be modified.

21e. Limitation a(3)(ii) or a(4)(ii)

This field is the result of subtracting line 21d from line 21c. This field cannot be modified.

22. Maximum Unliquidated Progress Payments

This field is the result of comparing lines 20e and 21e and using the lesser amount. This field cannot be modified.

23. Tot Amt Applied And To Be Applied To Reduce Prog Pymt

This field can be modified.

24. Unliquidated Progress Payments

This field is the result of subtracting line 23 from line 18. This field cannot be modified.

25. Maximum Permissible Progress Payments

This field is the result of subtracting line 24 from line 22. This field cannot be modified.

26. Amount Of Current Invoice For Progress Payment

This field is the result of comparing lines 25 and 19 and using the lesser amount. This field can be modified.